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Dr Brice Molo

GSPR, Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris

Dr Brice Molo’s research focuses on the socio-history of the environment, risks, disasters, and collective deaths in Cameroon.

Gisela Monteiro

Cemetery Management Department, Municipality of Lisbon, Portugal

Gisela Monteiro is a researcher at the Cemetery Management Department of Lisbon Municipality, with expertise in the architecture of Lisbon cemeteries’ mausoleums and the Language of Flowers used in Portuguese cemeteries.

Professor Harold Mytum

University of Liverpool, UK

Harold Mytum has been recording and researching graveyards and cemeteries, and their monuments, for many years in Britain and Ireland, USA, Gibraltar and Australia.

Dr Olga Nešporová

Institute of Ethnology, CAS, and Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic

My research concentrates on studies of funeral practices in contemporary Czech society, as well as in the 20th century.

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Dr Helena Nordh

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences

Helena Nordh has a background in landscape architecture and has an interest in researching people environment interactions with a focus on urban green spaces.

Professor Magdalena Nordin

Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Scholar with research interests in contemporary funeral and cemetery practices with focus on Sweden and the other Nordic countries.

Photograph of Rui Oliveira against plain background.

Rui Oliveira

Transforme Serviços Verdes Sustainability Consulting

Member of the Brazilian Association of Cemetery Studies with an interest in environmental impacts in the cemetery and funeral sectors.

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Dr Yiannis Papadakis

University of Cyprus

I am a Social Anthropologist and my research has mostly focused on issues of ethnic conflict, nationalism, social memory, history education and Cypriot cinemas in a comparative perspective involving the two sides of divided Cyprus.

Image of Ioanna Paraskevopoulou

Ioanna Paraskevopoulou

Harokopio University, Greece

Ioanna Paraskevopoulou is a PhD student at Harokopio University, Athens, and her work seeks to understand the corporeality of the cemetery in terms of its governmentality.

Dr Brian Parsons

Independent scholar researching and publishing widely on cemeteries, cremation and funeral practice in the UK.

Commonwealth War Graves in a local authority cemetery

Dr Ivor Perry

Independent researcher

The religion of ordinary people as seen (primarily) in the Personal Inscriptions on the headstones of the CWGC cemeteries, but also in UK civilian cemeteries.

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Dr Daniela Pianezzi

University of Verona

Scholar at the Department of Management, University of Verona.

Fatıma İkbal Polat

History of Architecture, Middle East Technical University, Türkiye

İkbal is an architect and an emerging architectural historian from Istanbul. She holds a B.Arch degree from Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University and a Master’s degree in the History of Architecture from Middle East Technical University (2023), where she is currently a Ph.D. candidate.

Vishwambhar Nath Prajapati

Department of Sociology, Udit Narayan P G College Padrauna-Kushinagar, Padrauna, India

Assistant Professor of Sociology in UNPG College Padrauna-Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh, India with interests including cremation technology, human values, sustainability, belief, rituals, and death studies .

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Donatella Privitera

Educational Sciences, University of Catania, Italy

Donatella is a full Professor of Geography at University of Catania (Italy). Research and publication interests include tourism geography; sustainable cities; religious tourism; e-tourism and food policies.

Krystian Puzdrakiewicz

Regional Development Division, University of Gdańsk, Poland

I am a graduate of spatial management and a research assistant at the University of Gdańsk.

Finnish cemetery from the air

Dr Oleg Reut

University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland

Oleg Reut is a Project Researcher at the Karelian Institute of the University of Eastern Finland participating in the joint research project on Transnational Death: Practices of Death and Remembrance in the Transnational Everyday on the Finnish-Russian Border (TraDeBo), supported by the Academy of Finland.

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Dr Jennifer Riley

University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK

Death studies, especially in conversation with contemporary British religion and ritual. Post-doctoral research to date has included UK pandemic funerals and training UK clergy for dementia care.

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Dr Martin Robert

Centre for History in Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

My research interests include the history of medical education, the nineteenth century, the British and French empires, the history of medicine, the history of Quebec/Canada, and the history of death.

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Dominic Robinson

School of Geography, University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland

Lecturer in Historical Geography in the School of Geography at UCD, Ireland with a research interest in the phenomenon known as Cilliní, or Children’s Burial Grounds.

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