Marie-Louise Rouget

Archives and Special Collections, University of Galway Library, Republic of Ireland

Marie-Louise Rouget has a diverse professional background spanning content, records and digital asset management, copywriting, growth marketing and communications. She has lived and worked in South Africa, France, the UK, the Netherlands and Ireland. In 2023, Marie-Louise published her post-graduate research that draws together the regulatory frameworks and related issues affecting records management in South African public cemeteries. The intersection of South African cemetery management and archives and records management had not previously been explored and represents a rich area for further research. Building on the foundation laid by this research, she continues to curate thought experiments, personal histories, research and other resources about death and burial culture for South African and international readers alike under the moniker ‘Morbid Musings’. She publishes regular articles to the newsletter subscription platform, Currently based in Galway, Marie-Louise is the Project Digital Archivist for the Kerby A. Miller collection – a collection of letters and other research material that captures the story of Irish emigration to North America and the development of Irish diaspora identities. The curated and indexed letters will be released to the public via an online repository in early 2024. For more about her professional background:

M.N. B. Rouget (2023) ‘Grave concerns: the state of public cemetery records management in South Africa’, Archives and Records, 44:1, 73-94.

M.N.B. Rouget (2023) ‘The Prestwich Memorial | A South African Ossuary’, Morbid Musings, 3 October 2023. Available at:

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