Gisela Monteiro is a researcher at the Cemetery Management Department of Lisbon Municipality, having finished her MA at NOVA University of Lisbon, dedicated to the architecture of Lisbon cemeteries’ mausoleums (1839-1945). She has been studying cemeteries since 2009, writing and presenting works at international and national conferences. She is a co-author for the exhibition and book Flores de Pedra/ Flowers of Stone, regarding the Language of Flowers used in Portuguese cemeteries and, as part of her work, she also guides tours at Prazeres and Alto de São João cemeteries in Lisboa. She is a member of AGS – Association for Gravestone Studies and ABEC – Associação Brasileira de Estudos Cemiteriais. You can find her on social media as Mort Safe (Facebook, Instagram, and Blogger).
Monteiro, G. (2024) ‘Private mausoleum No. 4099: artist Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro’s last abode’, Markers, XXXIX, 70-109.
Monteiro, G. (2023) ‘“Casa de Autópsias”: do modelo parisiense ao cemitério enquanto substituto da Morgue na Lisboa de Oitocentos’, Romanthis: História, Arte, Cultura e Património do Romantismo, 2, 110-155.
Monteiro, G., Mesquita, S. & Gonçalves, S. (2020) Flores de Pedra/Flowers of Stone, Lisboa, Câmara Municipal de Lisboa.