My research interests relate to questions about death and dying in general. I am particularly interested in the social and cultural processes associated with death and dying. In my research, I like to use theories from different disciplines such as sociology and philosophy. I assume that research on such issues can only be meaningfully applied in an interdisciplinary way. So far I have worked in this context on the cultural and social history of Berlin waiting mortuaries in the 19th century. These were created against the backdrop of the fear of being buried alive. In addition, I am currently working with two colleagues from the natural sciences on the transformation of cemeteries in the 20th and 21st centuries. I am co-founder and co-editor of the scientific series ‘Death and Agency. Interdisciplinary Studies on the End of Life’ published by transcript.
Kreibig, N. (2024) ‘Das Recht der toten am urbanen raum. Kommentar zu Johanna Hoerning und Lucas Pohl “Zum Verhältnis von Stadt, Sterben du Tod”, sub/urban. Zeitschrift für kritische Stadtforschung, 12: 2/3, 151-165.
Kreibig, N. (2023) ‘“I’ve never seen so many men wasted so badly”: on Francoist mass graves and a film set cemetery’, Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 100:5, 679-700.
Kreibig, N. (2020) Institutionalisierter Tod. Die Kulture- und Sozialgeschichte der Berliner Leichenhäuser im 19 Jahrhundert, Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.