Dr Gian Luca Amadei

Royal College of Art / UK

Dr Gian Luca Amadei is an independent academic researcher and internationally recognised design and architectural journalist. His research interests intersect between architecture, urban planning, sociology, and cultural context. Gian Luca completed his Ph.D. at the University of Kent in December 2014 and in 2018–19 was a visiting researcher at the Department of Sociology, University of York, to work on the framework of his postdoctoral research project titled Cremation Stories. He is currently one of the Associate Editors at Brief Encounters, the Consortium for the Humanities, and the Arts South-east England (CHASE) Postgraduate Journal. Gian Luca is an advocate of lifelong learning and is a Tutor/Research at the School of Communication at the Royal College of Art in London.

Amadei, G. L. (2021) Victorian Cemeteries and the Suburbs of London: Spatial Consequences to the Reordering of London’s Burials in the Early 19th Century, London: Routledge.

Amadei, G. L. (2020) ‘A new urban modernity? George Bernard Shaw’s written recollection of his mother’s cremation’, Thanatos, 9:2, 72-99.


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