Crest of the University of Melbourne

DeathTech (University of Melbourne, Australia)

DeathTech is an interdisciplinary team studying questions at the intersection of death, technology, and society.


FIAT-IFTA is a worldwide organization representing the funeral industry.

Finnish Death Studies Association

The Finnish Death Association aims was to create a more public interdisciplinary dialogue about death and dying in Finnish society.

Close-up picture of purple flowers

Funeral Services Association of Canada/Association des Services Funéraires du Canada

Promotes professional standards across the funeral services in North America.

Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (UK)

The ICCM is a membership organisation for those that own, manage or work in cemeteries and crematoria in the UK.

International Cemetery, Cremation & Funeral Association (United States)

ICCFA is an international trade association representing all segments of the cemetery, funeral service, cremation and memorialization profession.

Close-up picture of purple flowers

Jewish Heritage Europe

An expanding web portal to a wide range of information and resources concerning Jewish monuments and heritage sites all over Europe.

Lo Tishkach European Jewish Cemeteries Initiative

Lo Tishkach aims to preserve and protect Jewish funeral heritage across Europe.

Mathias Haas Funeral Memorial (Brazil)

The Memorial Funerário Mathias Haas, is the first museum in Brazil dedicated to the subject of death, funerals and cemeteries.


Mortality publishes interdisciplinary research on the subjects of death and dying, grief, bereavement and memorialization.

Museum für Sepulkralkultur (Kessel, Germany)

The Museum für Sepulkralkultur is dedicated to the issues of dying, death, burial, mourning and remembrance.

National Federation of Cemetery Friends

The National Federation of Cemetery Friends links over 120 groups of volunteers throughout the UK dedicated to preserving their local cemetery and its monuments for the benefit of the community.

Finnish cemetery from the air

Nordiska Förbundet för Kyrkogårdar och Krematorier (NFKK)

The Nordiska Förbundet för Kyrkogårdar och Krematorier (NFKK) supports the work of practitioners and aims to share experiences across the Nordic countries.

Omega – Journal of Death and Dying

Journal drawing contributions from the fields of psychology, sociology, medicine, anthropology, law, education, history and literature.

Ontario Association of Cemetery and Funeral Professionals

The Ontario Association of Cemetery and Funeral Professionals (OACFP) is a non-profit association supporting death care professionals in Ontario, Canada.

Close-up picture of purple flowers

Queer Death Studies Network

The Network constitutes a space for researchers, students, artists, activists and other practitioners who critically and (self) reflexively challenge conventional normativities in death, dying and mourning.

Red Iberoamericana Cementerios Patrimoniales

The Ibero-American Network for the Value and Management of Cemeteries has met regularly for over twenty years to discuss and promote the protection of funerary heritage in Latin America. The organisation has a Facebook page and posts regularly on its blogspot.

French cemetery

Réseau “Les Morts”

French network of academics in Death Studies.

Revista M. Estudos Sobre a Morte, os Mortos e o Morrer

This journal publishes interdisciplinary papers in the field of Death Studies, generally in thematic issues.

South African Cemeteries Association

SACA promotes continuous improvement in the delivery of cemetery and crematoria services to all communities through South Africa.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract