Tamara Ingels 2022

INTRO Cultuur & Media, Belgium

Combining primary, secondary and tertiary functions in cemetery management

We cannot overlook the primary function of our cemeteries, giving our dead their final resting place. However, the past few years, a lot of contemporary secondary and tertiary functions and uses have been developed on cemeteries in many European cities and municipalities. Local residents have discovered the secondary uses of cemeteries as places to find peace and quiet within their living environments, tourists and educational groups have discovered the historic cemeteries as places to discover the history of death and dying (tertiary). Curators and organisers of secondary and tertiary events on cemeteries regularly experience the difficulties related to combine these relatively new functions with the primary function and use of cemeteries. Often, tensions arise between the different user groups, with a lot of commotion as a result. In this presentation, the author will discuss the difficulties and opportunities linked to thinking towards a model on reconciliating primary, secondary and tertiary functions within the very specific and delicate context of the cemetery. This presentation relates to the most recent book of Tamara Ingels (e.a.) Memento Mori. De begraafplaats in gesprek (Transl.: Memento Mori. The cemetery in dialogue), published by Academic and Scientific Publishers (ASP, Brussels, 2021, currently only available in Dutch).


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract