The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Vélez-Zapata, C. 2012
Contributions of anthropology to the study of organization: the case of the funeral home’, in M. Canevacci (ed.) Polyphonic Anthropology: Theoretical and Empirical Cross-Cultural Fieldwork, Intech Open, 93-110.
Vélez, S., Monsalve, T., Quiroz, M. & 4 others 2019
‘The study of necrocols and cemetery soils’, Dyna, 86:211, 337-345.
Venbrux, E. 2010
‘Cemetery tourism: coming to terms with death?’, La Ricerca Folklorica, 61, 41-49.
Venbrux, E., Peelen, J. & Altena, M. 2009
‘Going Dutch: individiualisation, secularisation and changes in death rites’, Mortality, 14:2, 97-101.
Verdery, K. 1999
The Political Lives of Dead Bodies: Reburial and Postsocialist Change, Chichester: Columbia University Press.
Vern, T., Mohsin, A., Rahman, M.& 3 others 2020
‘The effects of proximity to cemetery on purchasing residential properties in Malaysia’, International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, 9:3, 6692-6698.
Vernon, N. 2000
‘Adolph Strauch: Cincinnati and the legacy of Spring Grove Cemetery’, in W. Tishler (ed.) Midwestern Landsape Architecture, Urbana Il: University of Illinois Press, 5-24.
Vidor, G. 2012
Biografia di un Cimitero Italiano. La Certosa di Bologna, Bologna: Il Mulino.
Vidor, G. 2016
‘Bologne à l’avant-garde des réformes funéraire en Italie’, in R. Bertrand & A. Carol (eds) Aux Origines des Cimetières Contemporains: Les Réformes Funéraires de L’Europe Occidentale XVIIe-XIXe siècle, Aix-en-Provence: Presses Universitaires de Province, 313-322.
Viejo-Rose, D., Renshaw, L. & Filippuci, P. 2024
Viejo-Rose, D., Renshaw, L. & Filippuci, P. (2024) ‘From dead places to places of the dead: the memorial power of battlefields, ruins, and burials in the warscapes of Spain and the Western Front’, in T. Biers and K. Stringer Clary (eds) Routledge Handbook of Museums, Heritage and Death, London: Routledge, 275-291.
Viera, K. & Hardt, L. 2021
‘Necrópole em perspectiva: paradigmas urbanos e direito à cidade’, Revista Contribuciones a las Ciencias Sociales, 1:2, 7
Vignolo, P. 2013
‘¿Quién gobierna la ciudad de los muertos? Políticas de la memoria y desarrollo urbano en Bogotá’, Memoria y Sociedad, 17:35, 125-142.
Vilaseñor, N. & Escobar, M. 2019
‘Cemeteries and biodiversity conservation in cities: how do landscape and patch-level attributes influence bird diversity in urban park cemeteries?’, Urban Ecosystems, 22:6, 1037-1046.
Vine, M. 2024
‘Finding Zion: Spectral intimacy and state indeterminacy at an erased American cemetery’, History and Anthropology, 35:1, 31-47.
Vines, P. 1999
`Bodily remains in the cemetery and the burial ground: a comparative anthropology of law and death or how long can I stay?’, in D. Manderson (ed.) Courting Death: The Law of Mortality, London: Pluto Press, 111–127.
Visser, R. 2020
‘Ashes to ashes: continuing bonds in young adulthood in the Netherlands’, in C. Cann (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Death and the Afterlife, London: Routeldge, 219-228.
Vivas, M. 2018
‘Christian burial privation in the Middle Ages: an interdisciplinary approach (France, mid 10th-early 14th)’, Imago Temporis. Medium Aevum, 12, 191-210.
Voekel, P. 2002
The Religious Origins of Modernity in Mexico: Alone Before God, Durham: Duke University Press.
Voekel, P. 2000
‘Piety and public space: The cemetery campaign in Veracruz, 1789–1810’ in W. H. Beezley and Linda A. Curcio-Nagy (eds) Latin American Popular culture: An Introduction, Wilmington: SR Books, 1-25.
Vovelle, M. 2005
Conclusion’ in R. Bertrand, A. Carol & J-N. Pelen (eds) Les Narrations de la Mort, Aix-en-Provence: Press Universitaires de Province, 293-294..