The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Televantos, A., Talias,M., Charalambous, M. & Soteriades, E. 2013
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Teodorescu, A. 2014
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‘The tomb as an isthmus (barzakh) between the living and the dead : cross-views of Sufism and Imāmite Shī’ism (al-Ghazāli and al-Fayḍ al Kāshanī), Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la Médeterranée, 146, 29-46.
Thake, C., & Buhagiar, J. 2018
Ta’ Braxia Cemetery, Msida: Best Print.
Thill, V. 2019
‘The end. Les cimetières dans les documentaires et films de fiction luxembourgeois’, in S. Kmec, R. Philippart & A. Reuter (eds) Ewige Ruhe? Grabkulturen in Luxemburg und den Nachbarrregionen, Luxembourg : CapybaraBooks, 177-180.
Thompson, G. 2006
‘Tombstone lettering in Scotland and New England: an appreciation of a vernacular culture’, Mortality, 11:1, 1-30.
Thompson, O., Abiodun Afolabi, S., Nwaorgu, O. & Aduradola, R. 2020
‘“Oku mi ko gbodo sun ita”: (Mis)appropriation of burial sites and public cemeteries among indigenous people in Egba, Southern Nigeria’, Ethnic Studies Review, 43:1, 125-144 .
Thompson, P. & Yeung, P. 2015
‘Is a funeral a right? Exploring indigent funerals from social work perspectives’, Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work, 27:1&2, 73-86.
Thompson, V. 2004
Dying and Death in Later Anglo-Saxon England, Woodbridge: Boydell.
Thompson, William E. 1991
‘Handling the stigma of handling the dead: morticians and funeral directors’, Deviant Behavior 12:4, 403-429.
Thornbush, S. & Thornbush, M. 2020
Changing Landscapes in Urban British Churchyards, Singapore: Bentham Books.
Thorsheim, P. 2011
‘The corpse in the garden: burial, health and the environment in nineteenth-century London’, Environmental History, 16:1, 1-31.
Thorson, J., Horacek, B. & Kara, G. 1987
‘A replication of Kalish’s study of cemetery visits’, Death Studies, 11:3, 177–182.
Thurston, H. 1913
‘Cemetery’ in C. Herbermann, E. Pace, C. Pallen et al. (eds) The Catholic Encyclopedia, London: The Encyclopedia Press.
Timbol, M. & Caballero, R. 2014
‘Culture and tradition towards funeral services: creation of a brand loyalty model in the Philippines’, International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship, 1:9, 418-430.
Tingle, E. & Wills, J. 2015
Dying, Death, Burial and Commemoration in Reformation Europe, London: Routledge.
Tobey, G.B. 1976
‘Adolph Strauch, father of the lawn plan’, Landscape Planning Quarterly, 2:4, 283–94
Toje, H. 2018
‘Accompanying the souls of the dead: the transformation of sacral time and encounters’, in T. Darieva, F. Mühlfried & K. Tuite (eds) Sacred Places, Emerging Spaces: Religious Pluralism in the Post-Soviet Caucuses, Oxford: Berghahn, 113-132.
Torres-Rouff, C., Pestle, W. &, Daverman, B.M. 2012
‘Commemorating bodies and lives at Kish’s “A Cemetery”: (Re)presenting social memory’, Journal of Social Archaeology, 12:2, 193-219.