War cemeteries: United States

Blair, W. 2004

Cities of the Dead: Contesting the Memory of the Civil War in the South, 1865-1914, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press.

Bontrager, S. 2020

Death at the Edges of Empire: Fallen Soldiers, Cultural Memory and the Making of an American Nation, 1863-1921, Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Budreau, L. 2011

Bodies of War: World War I and the Politics of Commemoration in America, 1919-1933, NYUP: New York.

Ebel, J. 2012

‘Overseas military cemeteries as American sacred space: mine eyes have seen la gloire’, Material Religion, 8:2, 183-214.

MacCloskey, M. 1968

Hallowed Ground: Our National Cemeteries, New York: Richards Rosen Press.

Matzler, J. 1995

‘A history of Arlington National Cemetery’ in O.Czerner & I. Juszkiewicz (eds) Cemetery Art, ICOMOS: Wrocław, 191-195.

McElya, M. 2016

The Politics of Mourning: Death and Honour in Arlington National Cemetery, Boston: Harvard University Press.

Piehler, G. 1994

‘The war dead and the Gold Star: American commemoration of the First World War’, in J. Gillis (ed.) Commemorations: The Politics of National Identity, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 168-185.

Stern, M. 2001

‘The National Cemetery System: politics, place, and contemporary cemetery design’, in J. Wolshke-Bulmahn (ed) Places of Commemoration: Search for Identity and Landscape Design, Washington D.C.: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, 107-130.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract