War cemeteries: Rhetoric

Ebel, J. 2012

‘Overseas military cemeteries as American sacred space: mine eyes have seen la gloire’, Material Religion, 8:2, 183-214.

Figal, G. 2007

‘Bones of contention: the geopolitics of “sacred ground” in postwar Okinawa’, Diplomatic History, 31:1, 81-109.

Fuhrmeister, C. & Kappel, K. 2017

‘Introduction to Special Issue “War graves, war cemeteries, and memorial shrines as a building task (1914 to 1989). Die Bauaufgabe Soldatenfriedhof/Kriegsgräberstätt e zwischen 1914 und 1989″’, RIHA Journal Special Issue 8, article 0150.

Janz, N. 2017

‘From battlegrounds to burial grounds – the cemetery landscapes of the German Army during the Second World War’, in F. Jacob & S. Danielsson (eds) War and Geography: The Spatiality of Organized Mass Violence, Brill Schöningh, 147-162.

Janz, N. 2022

‘The politics of graves – negotiations, practice and reactions about fallen German soldiers of World War Two and their resting places in Russia’, in J. Rydel & S. Troebst (eds) Instrumentalizing the Past: The Impact of History on Contemporary International Conflicts, Institute of the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity, 133-146.

Malone, H. 2022

‘The fallen soldier as fascist exemplar: military cemeteries and dead heroes in Mussolini’s Italy’, Comparative Studies in Society and History, 64:1, 34-62.

Malone, H. 2022

‘Feeling political in military cemeteries: commemoration politics in Fascist Italy’, in U. Frevert, K. Pahl, F. Buscemi & 8 others (eds) Feeling Political: Emotions and Institutions since 1789, Palgrave Macmillan.

Malone, H. 2019

‘The republican legacy of Italy’s fascist ossuaries of the First World War’, Modern Italy, 24:2, 199-217.

Natali, C. 2008

‘Building cemeteries, constructing identities: funerary practices and nationalistic discourse among the Tamil Tigers of Sri Lanka’, Contemporary South Asia, 16:3, 287-301.

Prost, A. 2011

‘The military cemeteries of the Great War, 1914-1940’, Le Mouvement Social, 4, 237, 135-151.

Robin, R. 1995

‘“A foothold in Europe”: the aesthetics and politics of American war cemeteries in Western Europe’, Journal of American Studies, 29, pp55-72.

Robin, R. & Strath, B. (eds) 2003

‘The necropolitics of homeland. The role of tombs and village cemeteries in the Middle East Conflict’, in R. Robin & B. Strath (eds.), Homelands: Poetic Power and the Politics of Space, Brussels: Presses Interuniversitaires Europeennes, 209-219.

Ströhle, I. 2006

‘Pristina’s “Martyrs’ Cemetery” – conflicting commemorations’, Comparative Southeast European Studies, 54:3, 404-426.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract