The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Allison, F., Nansen, B., Gibbs, M., & Arnold, M. 2023
‘Bones of contention: Social acceptance of digital cemetery technologies’, Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-17.
Boyle, J. 2003
‘Gracing God’s acre. Some notes on a typology of cemetery visitations in Western Cultures’, C. Bryant (ed.) Handbook of Death and Dying, Thousand Oaks, CA., Sage 703-711.
Colombo, A. & Vlach, E. 2021
‘Why do we go to the cemetery? Religion, civicness and the cult of the dead in twenty-first century Italy’, Review of Religious Research, 63:2, 217-243.
Dymshits, V. 2007
‘The Jewish cemetery: the place where one does not go’, East European Jewish Affairs, 37:3, 319-333.
Kjærsgaard A. & Venbrux E. 2021
‘Grave-visiting rituals in Northwestern Europe’ in P. Stewart and A. Strathern (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Anthropological Ritual Studies, Cham: Macmillan, 161-175.
Nordh, H. & Windgren, C. 2023
“It’s the greenness, the nature, it looks as it someone has taken care of the place very well”. Experiences from St Eskil cemetery in Sweden’, Approaching Religion, 13:1, 105-122.
Rice, C. 2022
‘Disused urban cemeteries: unearthing user experiences of Abney Park Cemetery’ in C. Piselli, H. Altan, O. Balaban & P. Kremer (eds) Innovating Strategies and Solutions for Urban Performance and Regeneration, pp. 329-344. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 329-344.
Straka, T., Mischo, M., Petric, K. & Kowarak, I. 2022
’Urban cemeteries as shared habitats for people and nature: reasons for visit, comforting experiences of nature, and preferences for cultural and natural features’, Land, 11, 1237.
Thorson, J., Horacek, B. & Kara, G. 1987
‘A replication of Kalish’s study of cemetery visits’, Death Studies, 11:3, 177–182.