The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Brown, L. 2015
Tourism and pilgrimage: paying homage to literary heroes’, International Journal of Tourism Research, 18:2, 167-175.
Del Lama E. 2019
‘Potential for urban geotourism: churches and cemeteries’, Geoheritage, 11:717–28.
Doyle, S. 2016
‘Funerary traditions and commemorative practices in Glasnevin Cemetery and Museum’, in L. Griffin & C. Wallace (eds) Grave Matters: Death and Dying in Dublin 1500-Present, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 150-58.
Giano, E. 2022
‘The mirror of the dead: thanatopic storytelling in an Italian cemetery’, Anthropology and Humanism, 47:1, 85-102.
Herd, K. 2019
‘Our foreign hero: a Croatian goalkeeper and his Swedish death’, in H. Snellman, E. Koskinen-Koivisto & S. Samaro (eds) Transnational Death, Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 139-156.
Indrawati, N., Soetomo, S., Setioko, B. & Murtini, T. 2016
‘Edo-religious tourism based on Islamic architecture approach, a preliminary research in Majasto Cemetery – Sukoharjo Recency Central Java’, Procedia – Social and Behavioural Sciences, 227, 656-663.
Kucheryavaya, M. 2022
‘Memorial space of the necropolis: the case of Novodevichy Cemetery’, in I. Lamond and R. Dawson (eds) Death and Events: International Perspectives on Events Marking the End of Life, Routledge: Abingdon, 48-62.
Levitt, L. 2012
‘Solemnity and celebration: dark tourism experiences at Hollywood Forever Cemetery’, Journal of Unconventional Parks, Tourism & Recreation Research, 4:1, 20-25
Levitt, L. 2018
Culture, Celebrity, and the Cemetery: Hollywood Forever. London: Routledge.
Levitt, L. 2018
‘Fandom and its afterlife: celebrity cemetery tourism’, in C. Lundberg & V. Ziakas (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Popular Culture and Tourism, London: Routledge, 195-200.
Mäder, M-T. 2020
Public events at a historic-religious site: Highgate Cemetery in London as a cultural practice’, in M-T. Mäder, A. Saviello & B. Scolari (eds) Highgate Cemetery: Image Practices in Past and Present, ebooks, Nomos, 175-196.
Mionel, V. 2020
‘(No so) Dark tourism: the Merry Cemetery in Săpânţa (Romania) – An expression of folk culture’, Tourism Management Perspectives, 34, 100656.
Pliberšek, L., & Vrban, D. 2018
Cemetery as village tourism development site’ , 4th International Rural Tourism Congress, Congress Proceedings, 194-209.
Pliberšek, L., Basle, N. & Lebe, S. 2019
‘From burial spaces to pilgrimage sites: the changing role of European cemeteries’, in D. Olsen & M. Korstanje (eds) Dark Tourism and Pilgrimage, Wallingford: CABI, 75-84.
Privitera, D. 2016
‘Cimiteri e turismo. potenzialità e valorizzazione di un fenomeno in crescita’, IN_BO. Ricerche E Progetti Per Il Territorio, La Città e l’architettura, 7:10, 265–273.
Roark, R. 2018
Spectacular solitude, city, and self in Père-Lachaise Cemetery’, Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes, 38:2, 97-115.
Rojek, C. 1993
Ways of Escape: Modern Transformations in Leisure and Travel, Basingstoke: Macmillan.
Seaton, A. 2002
‘Thanatourism’s final frontiers? Visits to cemeteries, churchyards and funerary sites as sacred and secular pilgrimage’, Tourism Recreation Research, 27: 2, 73-82.
Sobotka, S. & Długozima, A. 2015
‘Evaluation and development opportunities of the disused Lutheran cemeteries within the Maskuliński and Pisz Forest Divisions for thanotourism’, Tourism, 25: 1, 67-75.
Subianto, A. & Kurniawan, D. 2021
‘Democracy, trust and commitment in collaborative management: Indonesia’s colonial heritage cemetery’, Academy of Strategic Management Journal, 20, 1-12.