Sociology: Identity

Hockey, J. & Draper, J. 2005

‘Beyond the womb and the tomb: identity, (dis)embodiment and the life course’, Body and Society, 11:2, 41-57.

Malysheva, S. 2018

‘Soviet death and hybrid subjectivity: urban cemetery as metatext’, Ab Imperio, 3/21018, 351-384.

Reimers, E. 1999

‘Death and identity: graves and funerals as cultural communication’, Mortality, 4, 2, 147-66.

Sautkin, A. 2016

‘Cemetery locus as a mechanism of socio-cultural identity’, Social Identities, 22:6, 661-677


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract