The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Religion: African Traditional Religions
Adinkrah, M. 2022
‘“If you die a bad death, we give you a bad burial:” Mortuary practices and “bad death” among the Akan in Ghana, Death Studies, 46:3, 695-707.
Balakrishnan, S. 2022
‘Building the ancestral public: cemeteries and the necropolitics of property in colonial Ghana’, Journal of Social History, 56:1, 89-113.
Barrett, R. 1993
‘Psychocultural influences on African American attitudes towards death, dying and funeral rites’, in J. Morgan (ed.) Personal Care in an Impersonal World: A Mulitdimensional Look at Bereavement, London: Routledge, 213-230.
Denbow, J. 1999
‘Heart and soul: glimpses of ideology and cosmology in the iconography of tombstones from the Loango Coast of Central Africa’, Journal of American Folklore, 112:445, 404–23.
Esilaba, O. 2021
‘Cremation: views from culture, society and church in Kenya’, Edition Consortium Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Studies, 3:1, 316-324.
Hove, R., Baloyi, M. & Mmamajo, P. 2024
‘A critical analysis of cremation burials within some of the South African tribes: a contextual practical theological view’, Religions, 15, 1264.
Isiko, A. P. & Maate, Y. 2019
‘The socio-cultural perspective of the Bakonzo of Uganda about death’, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 24:4, 57-68.
Jindra, M. 2005
‘Christianity and the proliferation of ancestors: changes in hierarchy and mortality ritual in the Cameroon Grassfields’, Africa, 75:3, 356-377.
Lamont, M. 2011
‘Decomposing pollution? Corpses, burials and affliction among the Meru of Central Kenya’ in M. Jindra and J. Noret (eds) Funerals in Africa: Explorations of a Social Phenomenon, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 88-108.
Martin, J., van Wijk, C. & Hans-Arendse, C. 2013
‘“Missing in action”: the significance of bodies in African bereavement rituals’, Psychology in Society, 44, 42-63.
Mbiti, J. 1969
African Religions & Philosophy, London: Heinemann
Merz, S. 2017
‘Reincarnation, Christianity and controversial coffins in Northwestern Benin’, in S. Boret, S. Long & S. Kan (eds) Death in the Early 21st Century: Authority, Innovation and Mortuary Rites, Palgrave Macmillan, 115-150.
Morrow, K. 1999
‘Bakongo afterlife and cosmological direction: translation of African culture into North Florida cemeteries’, Athanor, 20, 105-115.
Ngubane S. 2012
‘Death and burial practices in contemporary Zulu culture’, Mankind Quarterly, 53:1, 91–109.
Ngubane, S. 2004
‘Traditional practice on burial systems with special reference to the Zulu people of South Africa’, Indilinga African Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems, 3:2, 171-177.
Opoko, A. & Adeboye, A. 2021
‘Investigation of willingness of residents to adopt alternative burial methods in Abuja, Nigeria’, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environment Science, 665, 012060.
Park, C. 2020
‘Traditional funeral and burial rituals and Ebola outbreaks in West Africa: a narrative review of causes and strategic interventions’, Journal of Health and Social Sciences, 5:1, 73-90.
Spijker, G. 2005
‘The role of social anthropology in the debate on funeral rites in Africa’, Exchange, 34:3, 156-176.