
Bar, D.  2023

‘Kivrei tsadikim as holy places? The tsadikification process of Jewish cemeteries in the state of Israel’, Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 22:4, 543-566.

Brown, L. 2015

Tourism and pilgrimage: paying homage to literary heroes’, International Journal of Tourism Research, 18:2, 167-175.


Collins-Kreiner, N. 2006

Graves as attractions: pilgrimage-tourism to Jewish holy graves in Israel’, Journal of Cultural Geography, 24:1, 67-89.


De Jong, H. 2008

‘Patriotism and religion: pilgrimages to Soekarno’s grave’, in P.J. Margry (ed.) Shrines and Pilgrimage in the Modern World: New Itineraries into the Sacred, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 95-120.

Gaimani, A. 2015

Visiting graves of ẓaddiqim in Yemen’, Review of Rabbanic Judaism, 18:2, 281-300.


Gilchrist, P. 2020

‘Lamenting the dead: the affective afterlife of poets’ graves’, in J. Micieli-Voutsinao and A. Person (eds) Affective Architectures: More-than-Representational Geographies of Heritage, London: Routledge, 151-167.

Haghighatbin, M. & Amiri, R. 2021

‘A Quarnic reading of the resurrection spiritual contexts in memorial and narrative landscapes of the abandoned inner urban’s cemeteries’, Naqshejahan – Basi Studies and New Technologies of Architecture and Planning, 10:4, 239-253.

Herd, K. 2019

‘Our foreign hero: a Croatian goalkeeper and his Swedish death’, in H. Snellman, E. Koskinen-Koivisto & S. Samaro (eds) Transnational Death, Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 139-156.

Indrawati, N., Soetomo, S., Setioko, B. & Murtini, T. 2016

‘Edo-religious tourism based on Islamic architecture approach, a preliminary research in Majasto Cemetery – Sukoharjo Recency Central Java’, Procedia – Social and Behavioural Sciences, 227, 656-663.

Jonge, H. de 2008

‘Patriotism and religion: pilgrimages to Soekarno’s grave’, in P.J. Margry (ed.) Shrines and Pilgrimage in the Modern World: New Itineraries into the Sacred (2008), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 95-120.

Margry, P. 2008

‘The pilgrimage to Jim Morrison’s grave at Père Lachaise cemetery: the social construction of sacred space’, in P. Margry (ed.) Shrines and Pilgrimage in the Modern World: New Itineraries into the Sacred (2008), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 143-172.

Pliberšek, L., Basle, N. & Lebe, S. 2019

‘From burial spaces to pilgrimage sites: the changing role of European cemeteries’, in D. Olsen & M. Korstanje (eds) Dark Tourism and Pilgrimage, Wallingford: CABI, 75-84.

Seaton, A. 2002

‘Thanatourism’s final frontiers? Visits to cemeteries, churchyards and funerary sites as sacred and secular pilgrimage’, Tourism Recreation Research, 27: 2, 73-82.


Toussaint, S. & Decrop, A. 2013

‘The Père Lachaise Cemetery: between dark tourism and heterotopic consumption’ in L. White & E. Frew (eds) Dark Tourism and Place Identity: Managing and Interpreting Dark Places, London: Routledge, 13-27.

Venbrux, E. 2010

‘Cemetery tourism: coming to terms with death?’, La Ricerca Folklorica, 61, 41-49.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract