The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Bar, D. 2023
‘Kivrei tsadikim as holy places? The tsadikification process of Jewish cemeteries in the state of Israel’, Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 22:4, 543-566.
Brown, L. 2015
Tourism and pilgrimage: paying homage to literary heroes’, International Journal of Tourism Research, 18:2, 167-175.
Collins-Kreiner, N. 2006
Graves as attractions: pilgrimage-tourism to Jewish holy graves in Israel’, Journal of Cultural Geography, 24:1, 67-89.
De Jong, H. 2008
‘Patriotism and religion: pilgrimages to Soekarno’s grave’, in P.J. Margry (ed.) Shrines and Pilgrimage in the Modern World: New Itineraries into the Sacred, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 95-120.
Gaimani, A. 2015
Visiting graves of ẓaddiqim in Yemen’, Review of Rabbanic Judaism, 18:2, 281-300.
Gilchrist, P. 2020
‘Lamenting the dead: the affective afterlife of poets’ graves’, in J. Micieli-Voutsinao and A. Person (eds) Affective Architectures: More-than-Representational Geographies of Heritage, London: Routledge, 151-167.
Haghighatbin, M. & Amiri, R. 2021
‘A Quarnic reading of the resurrection spiritual contexts in memorial and narrative landscapes of the abandoned inner urban’s cemeteries’, Naqshejahan – Basi Studies and New Technologies of Architecture and Planning, 10:4, 239-253.
Herd, K. 2019
‘Our foreign hero: a Croatian goalkeeper and his Swedish death’, in H. Snellman, E. Koskinen-Koivisto & S. Samaro (eds) Transnational Death, Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 139-156.
Indrawati, N., Soetomo, S., Setioko, B. & Murtini, T. 2016
‘Edo-religious tourism based on Islamic architecture approach, a preliminary research in Majasto Cemetery – Sukoharjo Recency Central Java’, Procedia – Social and Behavioural Sciences, 227, 656-663.
Jonge, H. de 2008
‘Patriotism and religion: pilgrimages to Soekarno’s grave’, in P.J. Margry (ed.) Shrines and Pilgrimage in the Modern World: New Itineraries into the Sacred (2008), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 95-120.
Margry, P. 2008
‘The pilgrimage to Jim Morrison’s grave at Père Lachaise cemetery: the social construction of sacred space’, in P. Margry (ed.) Shrines and Pilgrimage in the Modern World: New Itineraries into the Sacred (2008), Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 143-172.
Pliberšek, L., Basle, N. & Lebe, S. 2019
‘From burial spaces to pilgrimage sites: the changing role of European cemeteries’, in D. Olsen & M. Korstanje (eds) Dark Tourism and Pilgrimage, Wallingford: CABI, 75-84.
Seaton, A. 2002
‘Thanatourism’s final frontiers? Visits to cemeteries, churchyards and funerary sites as sacred and secular pilgrimage’, Tourism Recreation Research, 27: 2, 73-82.
Toussaint, S. & Decrop, A. 2013
‘The Père Lachaise Cemetery: between dark tourism and heterotopic consumption’ in L. White & E. Frew (eds) Dark Tourism and Place Identity: Managing and Interpreting Dark Places, London: Routledge, 13-27.
Venbrux, E. 2010
‘Cemetery tourism: coming to terms with death?’, La Ricerca Folklorica, 61, 41-49.