The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Muslim funeral practice
Afiouni, N. 2019
‘Transformations des lieux d’inhumation des musulmans dans le Grand Londres’, Revue des Mondes Musulmans et de la Médeterranée, 146, 139-154.
Afla, M. 2020
‘The Muslim grave redefined: a review of the burial practices of Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Jakarta’, Current Politics and Economics of South, Southeastern, and Central Asia, 29:1, 27-49.
Ahaddour, C. & Broeckaert, B. 2017
‘Muslim burial practices and Belgian legislation and regulations: a comparative literature review’, Mortality: 22, 4, 356-73.
Ahmed, N. 2016
‘Making a good death: Muslim burial sites and practices in Britain from 1800 to the present’ in J. Garnett & A. Harris (eds) Rescripting Religion in the City. Migration and Religious Identity in the Modern Metropolis, London: Routledge, 103-114.
Akkaymak G. & Belkhodja C. 2020
‘Does place matter? Burial decisions of Muslims in Canada’, Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses, 49:3, 372-388.
Ansari, H. 2007
‘“Burying the dead”: making Muslim space in Britain’, Historical Research, 80: 2, pp545-566.
Breemer, R. van der, & M. Maussen 2012
‘On the viability of State-Church models: Muslim burial and mosque building in France and the Netherlands’, Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies, 10:3, 279-298.
Christians, L., De Pooter, P. & Tilkin, G. 2011
‘Islam et parcelles confessionnelles dans les cimetieres en Belgique’, Revue de Droit Communal, 2, 2-12.
Felepchuk, W., Osman, M., & Keller, K. 2022
‘Even in death, we’re being denied our place as human beings’: geographic Islamophobia and Muslim cemeteries in the English-speaking West’, International Journal of Islamic Architecture, 11:1, 121-146.
Gardener, K. 1998
‘Death, burial and bereavement amongst Bengali Muslims in Tower Hamlets, East London’, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 24:3, 507-21.
Hunter, A. 2016
‘Deathscapes in diaspora: contesting space and negotiating home in contexts of post-migration diversity’, Social and Cultural Geography, 17: 2, 247-261.
Islam, F 2022
‘Pandemic-induced deathscapes: end-of-life, funerary and bereavement challenges for British-Bangladeshi Muslims’, Social & Cultural Geography, 24: 3-4, 409-427.
Kadrouch-Outmany, K. 2013
‘Burial practices and desires among Muslims in the Netherlands: a matter of belonging’, Canadian Journal of Netherlandic Studies, 33.2-34.1, 107-128.
Kadrouch-Outmany, K. 2016
‘Religion at the cemetery: Islamic burials in the Netherlands and Belgium’, Contemporary Islam, 10, 87-105.
Klapetek, M. 2019
‘Şehitlik Mosque and the Islamic Cemetery at Columbiadamm: Islam in public space.” Studia Religiologica. Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego 52:1, 63-77.
Maddrell, A., Beebeejaun, Y., McClymont, K. & 2 others 2022
‘Remembering, forgetting and (dis)enfranchised grief in everyday settings in English and Welsh towns: migrants’ and minorities’ translocal and local memories associated with funerary spaces and practices’, Emotion, Space and Society, 44, 100895.
Neilsen, H. 2014
‘Det sidste hvilested: om tilhørsfordhold og identitetsdannelse blandt muslimer I Danmark’, Kulturstudier, 5:1, 6-30.
Nunez, J. 2011
‘La gestion publique des espaces confessionnels des cimetières de la ville de Paris : l’example du culte musulman (1857-1957)’, Le Mouvement Social, 237, 13-32.
Pirenne, E. 2019
‘Mourir comme musulman au Luxembourg: practiques et défis contemporains’ in S. Kmec, R. Philippart & A. Reuter (eds) Ewige Ruhe? Grabkulturen in Luxembourg und den Nachbarrregionen, Luxembourg : CapybaraBooks, 267-274