Memorials: Sociolinguistics

Awberry, G. 1998

‘Of graves and epitaphs: dialect archaeology and Welsh churchyards’, Language and Development, 5, 44-50.

Clark, A., Johnson, A. & Matthews, D. 2019

‘The gendered language of gravestones: a comparative study of central and northern Appalachian cemeteries’ in S.Brunn & R. Kehrein (eds) Handbook of the Changing World Language Map, Springer, 1839-1851.

Cox, G., Giordano, A. & Juge, M. 2010

The geography of language shift: a quantitative cemetery study in the Texas Czech community’, Southwestern Geographer, 14, 3-22.

Eckert, E. 2001

‘Gravestones and the linguistic ethnography of Czech-Moravians in Texas’, Markers, 8, 146-187.

Fernández, E. 2011

‘Euphemistic conceptual metaphors in epitaphs from Highgate Cemetery’, Review of Cognitive Linguistics. Published under the auspices of the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association, 9:1, 198-225.

Herat, M. 2014

‘The final goodbye: the linguistic features of gravestone epitaphs from the nineteenth century to the present’, International Journal of Language Studies, 8: 4, 127-50.

Mytum, H. 1994

‘Language as symbol in churchyard monuments: the use of Welsh in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Pembrokeshire’, World Archaeology, 26:2, 252-267.

Nazimi, S. Sediqi, M. & Hatifi, K. 2020

‘A sociolinguistics study of tombstones inscription of Shiite and Sunni of Afghanistan in Bamyan and Badghis provinces’, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Trends, 2:2, 34-42.

Paraskevas, C. 2006

‘The geography of the cemetery: a sociolinguistic approach’, Studies in the Literary Imagination, 39:1, 143-168.

Purnomo, S., Hadziq, A., Halim, A. & 3 others 2022

‘Pepeling: What makes the epigraphs at the gravesites of Javanese Muslim saints linguistically unique from the perspectives of deathscapes?’, Issues in Language Studies, 11:2, 98-114.

Stanley-Blackwell, L. & Linkletter, M. 2019

‘Inscribing ethnicity: a preliminary analysis of Gaelic headstone inscriptions in Eastern Nova Scotia and Cape Breton’, Genealogy, 2:3, 241-55.

Vajta, K. 2017

‘Gravestones speak – but in which language? Epitaphs as mirrors of language shifts and identities in Alsace’, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 39:2, 137-154.

Vajta, K. 2023

‘Written multilingualism challenging French hegemony in the cemetery’, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1-19.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract