The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Memorials: Identity
Dawdy, S. 2013
‘Archaeology of modern American death: grave goods and blithe mementos’, in P. Graves-Brown, R. Harrison & A. Piccini (eds) The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Contemporary World, Oxford: Oxford Handbooks Online.
Elliott, B. 2011
‘Proclaiming respectability across the colour line: headstones of free Blacks in St Peter’s churchyard, St George’s, Bermuda,’ Post-Medieval Archaeology 45:1, 197-211.
Garman, J. 1994
‘Viewing the color line through the material culture of death’, Historical Archaeology, 28: 3, 74-93.
Hickman, D. 2001
‘Wise and religious epitaphs: funerary inscriptions as evidence for religious change in Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire, c1500-1640’, Midlands History, 26, 107-127.
Krüger-Kahloula, A. 1989
‘Tributes in stone and lapidary lapses: commemorating black people in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century America’, Markers 6, 32–100.
Mayer Gradwohl, D. 2004
‘Judah Monis’s puzzling gravestone as a reflection of his enigmatic identity’, Markers 21, 66-97.
Mytum, H. 1993
‘Death and identity: strategies in body disposal and memorial at North Front Cemetery, Gibraltar’, in M. Carver (ed.) In Search of Cult: Archaeological Investigations in Honour of Phillip Rahtz, Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 189-192.
Mytum, H. 1994
‘Language as symbol in churchyard monuments: the use of Welsh in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Pembrokeshire’, World Archaeology, 26:2, 252-267.
Sayer, D. 2011
‘Death and the Dissenter: group identity and stylistic simplicity as witnessed in nineteenth-century Nonconformist gravestones’, Historical Archaeology, 45: 4, 115-34.
Stanley-Blackwell, L. & Linkletter, M. 2019
‘Inscribing ethnicity: a preliminary analysis of Gaelic headstone inscriptions in Eastern Nova Scotia and Cape Breton’, Genealogy, 2:3, 241-55.
Vajta, K. 2017
‘Gravestones speak – but in which language? Epitaphs as mirrors of language shifts and identities in Alsace’, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 39:2, 137-154.
Vajta, K. 2023
‘Written multilingualism challenging French hegemony in the cemetery’, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1-19.