Mass burial

Pollack, C. 2003

‘Burial at Srebrenica: linking place and trauma’, Social Science and Medicine, 56:4, 793-801.

Pressac, J. & Pelt, R. 1994

‘The machinery of mass murder at Auschwitz’ in I. Gutman & M. Berenboum (eds) Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp, Bloomington In.: Indiana University Press, 183-245.

Renshaw, L. 2011

Exhuming Loss: Memory, Materiality and Mass Graves of the Spanish Civil War, Walnut Creek: West Coast.

Rugg, J. 2004

‘Managing “Civilian deaths due to war operations”: Yorkshire experiences during World War II’, Twentieth Century British History, 15:2, 152-73.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract