Management: Poland

Długozima, A. 2020

‘Social infrastructure of burial nature in Poland by voivodships–conditions and directions of changes’, Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum, 19:1, 19-31.  

Długozima, A. & Kosiacka-Beck, E. 2020

‘How to enhance the environmental impact of contemporary cemeteries an in urban context’, Sustainability, 12:6, 2374.

Milewska, A., Kacprzak, M., Wielewska, I. & 2 others 2024

‘The specificity and costs of public services in cemetery maintenance: a case study of Bydgoszcz City’, European Research Studies Journal, 27:2, 101-117.

Puzdrakiewicz, K. 2023

‘To what extent are cities prepared for their residents’ deaths? An example of cemetery management in large polish cities’, Land Use Policy, 129, 106646.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract