The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Interpretation: Digital technologies
Allison, F., Nansen, B., Gibbs, M., & Arnold, M. 2023
‘Bones of contention: Social acceptance of digital cemetery technologies’, Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-17.
Cann, C. 2013
‘Tombstone technology: deathscapes in Asia, the UK and the US’, in C. Maciel & V. Carvalho Pereira (eds) Digital Legacy and Interaction: Post-Mortem Issues, 101-113.
Ciolfi, L., Petrelli, D., Goldberg, R., Dulake, N. & 4 others 2013
Exploring historical, social and natural heritage: challenges for tangible interaction design at Sheffield General Cemetery’, Proceeds of NODEM, 1-8.
Häkkilä, J., Colley, A., Kalving, M. & Forsman, M-T. 2020
‘Exploring pervasive displays for cemeteries and memorial sites’, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 26, 737-747.
Hirsch L. & Butz A. 2021
‘Blend in or pop out? Designing an embedded interface for a historical cemetery’ in C. Ardito et al. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12934, Cham: Springer.
Lo Duca, A, Bacciu, C. & Marchetti, A. 2019
‘Towards a smart navigation of cemeteries as cultural sites’, in Georgitsoyanni, E. (ed.) Ancient Greek Art and European Funerary Art, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 321-342.
Maciel, C., Pereira, V. C., Leitão, C. & 2 others 2017
‘Interacting with digital memorials in a cemetery: insights from an immersive practice’ in 2017 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS) (1239-1248).
Sabra, J., Anderson, H. & Rodil, K. 2015
‘Hybrid cemetery culture: making death matter in cultural heritage using smart mobile technologies’, 2015 International Conference on Culture and Computing (Culture and Computing), 167-174.
Short, H., Crispin, J. and Baker, D. 2017
Short, H., Crispin, J. and Baker, D. (2017) ‘Digital humanities, cultural heritage and social justice: the case of a destroyed Armenian cemetery’, in Digital Heritage.