The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Almeida, M. 2020
‘Cemitério do Bonfim: arte, história e educação patrimonial- a experiência das visitas guiadas’, in M. Filho & T. Pereira (eds) Ações de extensão, Belo Horizonte: Editora UEMG.
Almeida, M. 2016
‘A cidade e o cemitério: uma experiência em educação patrimonial’, Revista M. Estudos Sobre a Morte, os Mortos e o Morrer, 1:1, 213-230.
Babić, D. & Bingula, M. 2015
‘Interpretation at special places: Mirgoj Cemetery’, Procedia: Social and Behavioural Sciences, 188, 186-192.
Ciolfi, L. and Petrelli, D. 2015
‘Studying a community of volunteers at a historic cemetery to inspire interaction concepts’, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Communities and Technologies, 139-148.
Clendaniel, W. 1995
‘Mount Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA’, in O. Czerner & I. Juszkiewicz, I. (eds) Cemetery Art, ICOMOS: Wrocław: ICOMOS, 197-201.
Daniil, M. 2019
‘The First Cemetery of Athens: highlighting a monumental area’ in Georgitsoyanni, E. (ed.) Ancient Greek Art and European Funerary Art, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 371-398.
Deed, S. 2015
Unearthly Landscapes: New Zealand’s Early Cemeteries, Churchyards and Urupā, Dunedin: Otago University Press.
Del Lama E. 2019
‘Potential for urban geotourism: churches and cemeteries’, Geoheritage, 11:717–28.
dos Santos, J., Almeida, M. & Maia, M. (eds) 2022
Estudos Cemiteriais no Brasil: Itinerários, Múltiplas Abordagens e Novas Perspectivas, Santa Maria, Arco Editores.
Doyle, S. 2016
‘Funerary traditions and commemorative practices in Glasnevin Cemetery and Museum’, in L. Griffin & C. Wallace (eds) Grave Matters: Death and Dying in Dublin 1500-Present, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 150-58.
Fletcher, K. & Towle, A. (eds) 2023
Grave History: Death, Race and Gender in Southern Cemeteries, Athens: University of Georgia Press.
Giano, E. 2022
‘The mirror of the dead: thanatopic storytelling in an Italian cemetery’, Anthropology and Humanism, 47:1, 85-102.
Lacy, R. 2018
‘Public engagement through burial landscapes: cupids and Ferryland, Newfoundland’, AP: Online Journal in Public Archaeology, 8:2, 55-78.
López-Martínez, G. & Schriewer, K. 2022
‘Challenges in the valorization of the funerary heritage; experiences in the Municipal cemetery of Murcia (Spain)’, Heritage, 5, 129-144.
Marriott, J. 2024
‘Talking about the D word: public engagement in a place of the dead’, in T. Biers and K. Stringer Clary (eds) Routledge Handbook of Museums, Heritage and Death, London: Routledge, 375-388.
Mytum, H. 2007
‘Beyond famous men and women: interpreting historical burial grounds and cemeteries’, in J. Jamerson & S. Baugher (eds) Past Meets Present: Archaeologiests Paternering with Museum Curators, Teachers and Community Groups, Cham: Springer, 411-426.
Nielsson, 2023
‘A website for St James’ Cemetery Liverpool: demonstrating the value of material culture in the dissemination of cemetery data online’, in H. Mytum & R. Veit (eds) Innovation and Implementation: Critical Reflections and New Approaches to Historic Mortuary Data Collection, Analysis and Dissemination, New York, NY: Berghahn Books, 237-254.
Ortiz, J. A. 2018
‘Quan la mort I l’art es troben: el patrimony funerary a Catalunya’, Revista d’Etnologia de Catalunya, 43 : 132-143.
Polymenidis, Y. 2019
‘The neoclassical cemetery of Volos, Greece: past and future’, in Georgitsoyanni, E. (ed.) Ancient Greek Art and European Funerary Art, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 421-434.
Sulkowska, L. 2021
‘Principles and practicalities: the interpretation of nineteenth-century British burial reform in St Kilda Cemetery’, Victorian Historical Journal, 92:1, 61-80.