The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Identity: Racial
Barrett, R. 1993
‘Psychocultural influences on African American attitudes towards death, dying and funeral rites’, in J. Morgan (ed.) Personal Care in an Impersonal World: A Mulitdimensional Look at Bereavement, London: Routledge, 213-230.
Buchanan, T. & Gabriel, P. 2015
Race differences in acceptance of cremation: religion, Durkheim, and death in the African American community’, Social Compass, 62:1, 22-42.
Graham, S. 2015
‘The plantation community cemetery: reading black and white relationships in the landscape’, Markers, 30, 68-91.
Lowry, D. 2004
‘“The granite of the ancient north”: race, nation and empire at Cecil Rhodes’ mountain mausoleum and Rhodes House, Oxford’ in R. Wrigley & M. Craske (eds) Pantheons: Transformations of a Monumental Idea, Aldershot: Ashgate, 193-220.
Rainville, L. 2014
Hidden History: African American Cemeteries in Central Virginia, Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press.
Rainville, L. 2008
‘Social memory and plantation burial grounds, a Virginian example’, African Diaspora Archaeology Newsletter, 11:1, Article 5.
Rainville, L. 2009
‘Home at last: mortuary commemoration in Virginian slave cemeteries’, Markers 26, 54-83.