The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
History: Post-Reformation Scotland
Raeburn, G. 2009
‘The changing face of Scottish burial practices, 1560-1645’, Reformation & Renaissance Review, 11:2, 181-201.
Raeburn, G. 2016
‘Death, superstition, and common society following the Scotland Reformation’, Mortality, 21:1, 36-51.
Spicer, A. 1997
‘“Rest their bones”: fear of death and Reformed burial practices’, in W. G. Naphy and P. Roberts (eds) Fear in Early Modern Society, Manchester: Manchester University Press, 167-183.
Spicer, A. 2000
‘“Defyle not Christ’s kirk with your carrion”: burial and the development of burial aisles in post-Reformation Scotland’, in B. Gordon and P. Marshall (eds) The Place of the Dead: Death and Remembrance in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 149-169.