The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
History: Broad sweep Germany
Christ, M. 2022
Regulating urban death in early modern German towns, Mortality, 27:2, 206-221.
Illi, M. 1992
Wohin die Toten Gingen. Begräbnis und Kirchhof in der Vorindustriellen Stadt, Zürich: Chronos Verlag.
Kenzler, H. 2019
‘Post-medieval burial customs in Germany – an archaeological perspective on materiality and spatiality’, Mortality, 24:2, 123-145.
Koslofsky, C. 2000
The Reformation of the Dead: Death and Ritual in Early Modern Germany, 1450-1700, Basingstoke: Macmillan.
Sörries, R. (ed.) 2002
Großes Lexikon der Bestattungs – und Friedhofskultur. Wörterbuch zur Sepulkralkultur. Volksundlich-Kulturgeschichlicher Tiel: Von Abdankung bis Zweitbestattung, Braunschweig: Thalacker Medica.
Wiesemann, F. 1992
‘Jewish burials in Germany – between tradition, the Enlightenmen and the authorities’, The Leo Baeck Institute Year Book, 37:1, 17-31.