The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
History: Broad sweep England
Barry, J. 2018
‘The organisation of burial places in post-medieval England cities: Bristol and Exeter c. 1540-1850, Urban History, 46:4, 597-616.
Dymond, D. 1999
‘God’s disputed acre: charting the secular uses of the England churchyard across the centuries’, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 50:3, 464-497.
Houlbrooke, R. 1998
Death, Religion and the Family in England, 1480-1750, Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Jupp, P. C. & Gittings, C. 1999
Death in England: An Illustrated History, Manchester: Manchester University Press.
King, S. 2022
‘Introduction: death, memory and commemoration in the English Midlands, 1600-1900’, Midland History, 47:3, 223-231.
Llewellyn, N. 1991
The Art of Death: Visual Culture in the England Death Ritual c1500-1800, London: Reaktion Books.
Llewellyn, N. 1991
The Art of Death: Visual Culture in the English Death Ritual c1500-1800, London: Reaktion Books.
Rugg, J. 2022
‘The industrial archaeology of the burial landscape’, in E. Conlin Casella, M. Nevell and H. Steyne (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Industrial Archaeology, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 544-558
Snell, K. 2012
‘Churchyard closures, rural cemeteries and the village community in Leicestershire and Rutland, 1800-2010’, Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 63: 4, 721-757.