History: 20c Israel

Bar, D. 2020

‘Jewish State, Muslim cemeteries: the fate of Muslim graveyards in the State of Israel, 1948-1967’, Middle Eastern Studies, 56:6, 925-936.

Cohen-Hattab, K. 2022

‘Cemeteries as representing national identity: trends in Jewish burial in Jerusalem during British rule (1917-1948), Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 22:4, 461-481.

Ferziger, A. 2016

‘Foreign ashes in sovereign space: cremation and the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, 1931-99’, Jewish Studies Quarterly, 23:4, 290-313.

Huss, M., & Margalit, T. 2024

‘“You cannot really live (or die) here” – Ongoing struggles over Muslim cemeteries in Tel Aviv-Jaffa, 1957–2020’, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 02637758241244595.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract