Grand cultural narratives

Bayatrizi, Z. 2008

Life Sentences: The Modern Ordering of Mortality, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Harrison, R. 2003

The Dominion of the Dead, Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Jacobsen, M. 2016

‘“Spectacular death” – proposing a new fifth phase to Philippe Ariès’s admirable history of death’, Humanities, 5:2, 19.

Kastenbaum, R. 2004

Death, Society and Human Experience, Pearson: Boston.

Kolbuszewski, J. 1996

Cmentarze, Wrocłow, Wydawnictwo Dolnośląskie.

Petrucci, A. (trans M. Sullivan) 1998

Writing the Dead: Death and Writing Strategies in the Western Tradition, Stanford, CA: Standford University Press.

Pitte, J-R. 2004

A short cultural geography of death and the dead’, GeoJournal, 60: 345-51.

Roach, J. 1996

Cities of the Dead: Curcum-Atlantic Performance, New York, NY Columbia University Press.

Watkins, C. 2013

The Undiscovered County: Journeys Among the Dead, London: The Bodley Head.


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