Funeral industry: United States

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“Resolved to strike out a new path”: consumerism and iconographic change in New Jersey gravestones’, Historical Archaeology, 43: 1, 115-41.

Webster, L. 2018

‘Why caring for our own dead is an act of social justice’, Wake Forest Journal of Law & Policy, 8:1, 125-148.

Williams, S.L. 2023

‘Death can not make our souls afraid: Mosaic Templars of America Zephroes in Macon County, Alabama, 1887-1931’, in K. Fletcher & A. Towle (eds) Grave History: Death, Race and Gender in Southern Cemeteries, Athens: University of Georgia Press, 113-148.

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‘One man’s demise is another man’s gain: the growth of the funeral industry on the Iowa frontier’, Essays in Economic and Business History, 19, 245-251.

Zelinsky, W. 1976

‘Unearthly delights: cemetery names and the map of the changing American afterworld’, in D. Lowenthal and M. Bowden (eds) Geographies of the Mind, New York: Oxford University Press.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract