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‘Cemeteries as repositories of natural and cultural diversity’, Conservation Biology, 15:6, 1820-24.


Buchholz, S., Blick, T., Hannig, K. & 8 others 2016

‘Biological richness of a large urban cemetery in Berlin. Results of a multi-taxon approach’, Biodiversity Data Journal, 4, e7057.

Čanády, A. & Mošanský, L. 2017

‘Public Cemetery as a biodiversity hotspot for birds and mammals in the urban environment of Kosice City (Slovakia)’, Zoology and Ecology, 27: 3-4, 185-95.

Czarna, A. 2016

‘Vascular plant flora in the Cytadela cemeteries in Poznań (Poland)’, Acta Agrobotanica 69:4, 1695.


de Lacy, P. & Shackleton, C. 2017

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Jaganmohan, M., Vailshery L., Mundoli S. & Nagendra H. 2018

‘Biodiversity in sacred urban spaces of Bengaluru, India’, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, 32, 64–70.


Kamran, S., Khan, S., Ahrmad, Z. & 3 others . 2020

‘The role of graveyards in species conservation and beta diversity: a vegetation appraisal of sacred habitats from Bannu, Pakistan’, Journal of Forestry Research, 31, 1147-1158.


Konic, J., Essl, F. & Lenzner, B. 2021

‘To care or not to care? Which factors influence the distribution of early-flowering geophytes at the Vienna Central Cemetery’, Sustainability, 13, 4657.


Löki, V., Deák, B., Lukács, A.B., Molnár, A. 2019

‘Biodiversity potential of burial places: a review on the flora and fauna of cemeteries and churchyards’, Global Ecology and Conservation, 18, 1-14.

Löki, V., Schmotzer, A., Takács, A. & 5 others 2020

‘The protected flora of long‐established cemeteries in Hungary: using historical maps in biodiversity conservation’, Ecology and Evolution, 10:14, 7497-7508.


Nowińska, R., Czarna, A. and Kozłowska, M. 2020

‘Cemetery types and the biodiversity of vascular plants–A case study from south-eastern Poland’, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 49, 126599.



The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract