The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Epidemic: Covid
Boaheng, I. 2021
‘The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on Akan dying, death and mourning rites’ African Journal of Culture, History, Religion and Traditions, 4:1, 15-28.
Bray, R.S. 2023
‘Carceral archipelago and gulag of grief: Hart Island’, in J. Michael Ryan (ed.) Covid-19: Surviving a Pandemic, London: Routledge, 46-56.
Entress, R., Tyler, J. & Abdul‐Akeem, S. 2020
‘Managing mass fatalities during COVID‐19: lessons for promoting community resilience during global pandemics’, Public Administration Review, 80:5, 856-861.
Go, M. & Docot, D. 2021
‘Fire and fear: Rapid cremations in the Philippines amidst COVID-19’, Forensic Science International: Synergy 3.
González-Fernández, J., Ibáñez-Bernáldez, M., Martínez-Tejedor, J. & 3 others 2020
‘Management of corpses during the COVID-19 pandemic in Spain’, Spanish Journal of Legal Medicine, 46:3, 109-118.
Gotved, S., Gould, H. & Klastrup, L. 2022
‘Covid-19 and the mediatization of the funeral industry in Australia and Denmark’, MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research, 38:73, 100-121.
Islam, F 2022
‘Pandemic-induced deathscapes: end-of-life, funerary and bereavement challenges for British-Bangladeshi Muslims’, Social & Cultural Geography, 24: 3-4, 409-427.
Klaufus, C. & Weegels, J. 2022
From prison to pit: trajectories of a dispensible population in Latin America’, Mortality, 27:4, 410-425.
Manamperi, L. 2023
‘A critical human rights perspective on the Sri Lankan government’s forced cremation policy of COVID-19 deceased in the context of religious majoritarianism’, International Journal for Religious Freedom (IJRF), 16:1, 105-116.
Moreras, J. 2023
‘Cemeteries in Spain during the covid-19 pandemic. Complementary notes on expert and lay knowledge’, Revista Internacional de Organizaciones, 30, 129-153.
Pujiono, E., Hidayat, O. & Njurumana, G. 2021
Land sustainability for public cemeteries in KHDTK Hambala: a preliminary study on the borrow-to-use forest areas with a cooperation mechanism in Sumba, Indonesia’, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 909.
Ugwu, S. and Nwankwo, B.E. 2020
Modern funeral rites during COVID-19 pandemic’, Nigerian Journal of Social Psychology 3.1.
Zavattaro, S. 2020
‘“We’ve cared for the dead since we started caring”: COVID-19 and our relationship to public and private healthcare’, Public Administration Review, Jul/Aug, 701-705.