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‘Navajo, Mormon, Zuni graves: Navajo, Mormon, Zuni ways’, in R. Meyer (ed.) Cemeteries and Gravemarkers: Voices of American Culture, Utah State University Press: Logan, UT, 197-216.

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‘Deathscapes in diaspora: contesting space and negotiating home in contexts of post-migration diversity’, Social and Cultural Geography, 17: 2, 247-261.

Kadrouch-Outmany, K. 2016

‘Religion at the cemetery: Islamic burials in the Netherlands and Belgium’, Contemporary Islam, 10, 87-105.

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‘Muslim areas at municipal cemeteries in Germany and Austria’, Studia Religiologica, 50:3, 203-220.

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Maddrell, A., Beebeejaun, Y., McClymont, K. & 2 others 2022

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Maddrell, A., Beebeejaun, Y., McClymont, K. & 3 others 2018

‘Deathscapes and diversity in England and Wales: Setting an agenda’, Revista D’Etnologia de Catalunya, 43, 38–53.


Maddrell, A., McNally, D., Beebeejaun, Y. & 2 others 2021

‘Intersections of (infra)structural violence and cultural inclusion: the geopolitics of minority cemeteries and crematoria provision’, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 46:3, 675-688.

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‘“We do have space in Lausanne. We have a large cemetery”: the non-controversy of a non-existent Muslim burial ground’, Social and Cultural Geography, 14, 4, 428-445.

McClymont, K. 2018

‘“They have different ways of doing things”: cemeteries, diversity and local place attachment’, Journal of Cultural Studies, 39: 267-85.

McClymont, K., Beebeejaun, Y., Maddrell, A. & 3 others 2023

‘There’s no place like home: minority-majority dialogue, contestation, and ritual negotiation in cemeteries and crematoria spaces’, in D. House & M. Westendorp with A. Maddrell (eds) New Perspectives on Urban Deathscapes: Continuity, Changes and Contestation, Northampton MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 61-80.

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Westendorp, M. & Kmec, S. 2023

‘Cemeteries as translocal contact zones: navigating regulations, unwritten rules and divergent expectations in Luxembourg City’, in A. Maddrell, S. Kmec, T. Uteng, & M. Westendorp, (eds) Mobilities in Life and Death: Negotiating Room for Migrants and Minorities in European Cemeteries, Springer, 43-64.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract