The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Dent, B., Forbes, S. & Stuart, B. 2004
‘Review of human decomposition processes in soil’, Environmental Geology, 45, 576–585.
Ferreira, M. T., Coelho, C. & Gama, I. 2017
‘Application of forensic anthropology to non-forensic issues: an experimental taphonomic approach to the study of human body decomposition in aerobic conditions’, Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 51:2, 149-157.
Oestergaard, T. 2004
‘Death and ambivalent materiality – human flesh as culture and cosmology’, in T. Oestergaard, N. Anfinset & T. Saetersdal (eds) Combining the Past and the Present: Archaeological Perspectives on Society, Oxford: Archaeolpress, 23-30.
Pawlett, M., Girkin, N., Deeks, L. & 5 others 2024
‘The contribution of natural burials to soil ecosystem services: review and emergent research questions’, Applied Soil Ecology, 194, 105200.
Rugg, J. 2017
‘Materiality, identity, mutability: irresolvable tensions within burial reform’, in J. Bradbury & C. Scarre (eds) Engaging with the Dead: Exploring Changing Human Beliefs about Death, Mortality and the Human Body, Oxford: Oxbow Books, 210-16.
Santarsiero, A., Minelli, L., Cutilli, D. & Cappiello, G. 2000
‘Hygienic aspects related to burial’, Microchemical Journal, 2000, 67: 1-3, 135-139.
Silva-Bessa, A., Madureira-Carvahlo, Á., Dawson, L. & 3 others 2022
‘The importance of soil on human taphonomy and management of Portuguese public cemeteries’, Forensic Sciences, 2, 635-649.
Yurchak A. 2015
Bodies of Lenin: the hidden science of communist sovereignty’, Representations 129:1, 116–57.