Death work

Lapatha, J., Largo, Z., Lawas, F. & 4 others 2019

‘Living with the dead: a qualitative study on the social well-being of Filipino families living in cemeteries in Cebu City’, Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 7:1, 94-104.

Longoria, T. 2014

‘Are we all equal at death?: Death competence in municipal cemetery management’, Death Studies, 38:6, 355-364.

Morgan, K.N. 1984

‘The emergence of the American landscape professional: John Notman an the design of rural cemeteries’, Journal of Garden History, 4:3, 269-289.

Nielsen, M. 2022

‘Making the cemetery work – the role of cemetery staff in grave plot choice’, Mortality, 27:3, 369-382.

Parsons, B. 2003

‘Conflict in the context of care: an examination of role conflict between the bereaved and the funeral director in the UK’, Mortality, 8:1, 67-87.


Parsons, B. 2018

‘Robertson at the City: portrait of a cemetery superintendent’, Genealogy, 2, 31.

Pinheiro, F., Fischer, F. & Cobianchi, C. 2012

‘Work of gravediggers and health’, Work, 41, 5819-822.

Pruitt, A-S. 2018

‘Redoing gender: how women in the funeral industry use essentialism for equality’, Gender, Work & Organization 25:2, 144-158.


Randeria, S. 1989

‘Carrion and corpses: conflict in categorizing untouchability in Gujarat’, European Journal of Sociology, 30, 171-91.

Robins, D. & Smith, R. 2021

‘Hidden labour in funeral directing: providing care to “difficult” dead bodies’, Mortality, 26:1, 100-111.

Sağir, A. 2024

‘Bathing the dead, the dirty work: stigmatization of gassals in modern Türkiye’, Sociological Perspectives, 67:1-3, 42-63.

Salimi, M. & Ruhani, A. 2023

‘Nobody likes the forgotten guardians of the departed: a critical ethnographic study on social isolation of ghassals’, OMEGA – Journal of Death and Dying, 00302228231199526.

Scandura, J. 1996

‘Deadly professions: Dracula, undertakers and the embalmed corpse’, Victorian Studies, 40, 1, 1-30.

Shäfer, C. 2007

‘Post-mortem personalization: pastoral power and the New Zealand funeral director’, Mortality, 12, 4-21.


Taylor, M. 2014

‘The Civil War experiences of a New Orleans undertaker’, Louisiana History: The Journal of the Louisiana Historical Association, 55:3, 261-281.

Toulson, R. 2013

The meanings of red envelopes: promises and lies at a Singaporean Chinese funeral’, Journal of Material Culture, 18:2, 155–169.

Turner, N. and Caswell, G. 2020

‘A relative absence: exploring professional experiences of funerals without mourners’, OMEGA – Journal of Death and Dying, 85:4, 868-886.

Watson, J. 1988

‘Funeral specialists in Chinese society: pollution, performance and social hierarchy’, in J. Watson & E. Rawski (eds) Death Ritual in Late Imperial and Modern China, London: University of California Press, 109-134.

Wueshner, S. 2001

‘One man’s demise is another man’s gain: the growth of the funeral industry on the Iowa frontier’, Essays in Economic and Business History, 19, 245-251.

Zavattaro, S. 2021

Cemetery Sextons: Tales from Municipal Leaders, Abingdon: Routledge.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract