The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Dead body: Materiality
Baraybar, J. & Azevedo, V. 2022
‘Peruvian thanatoscape and posthumous biographies of prisoners: dispersion and re-appropriation of undesirable corpses’, Death Studies, 47:6, 714-726.
Cruz-Santiago, A. 2023
‘Mexico City’s exceptional deathscapes: the disappeared, (digital) bodies, molecular speculations’, in D. House & M. Westendorp with A. Maddrell (eds) New Perspectives on Urban Deathscapes: Continuity, Changes and Contestation, Northampton MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, 180-197
Oestergaard, T. 2004
‘Death and ambivalent materiality – human flesh as culture and cosmology’, in T. Oestergaard, N. Anfinset & T. Saetersdal (eds) Combining the Past and the Present: Archaeological Perspectives on Society, Oxford: Archaeolpress, 23-30.