Dead body: Contemporary

Mathijssen, B. 2023

‘The human corpse as aesthetic-theraputic’, Mortality, 28:1, 37-53.

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Papailias, P. 2019

‘Memefying the corpse: the photograph and the dead body: between evidence and bereavement’, in T. Kohn, M. Gibbs, B. Nansen & L. van Ryn (eds) Residues of Death: Disposal Refigured, London: Routledge.

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‘Materiality, identity, mutability: irresolvable tensions within burial reform’, in J. Bradbury & C. Scarre (eds) Engaging with the Dead: Exploring Changing Human Beliefs about Death, Mortality and the Human Body, Oxford: Oxbow Books, 210-16.

Sanders, C. 2019

‘Mor(t)al remains: pastoral theology and corpse care’, Journal of Pastoral Theology, 116-131.

Santarsiero, A., Minelli, L., Cutilli, D. & Cappiello, G. 2000

‘Hygienic aspects related to burial’, Microchemical Journal, 2000, 67: 1-3, 135-139.

Scheper-Hughes, N. & Wacquant, L. (eds) 2002

Commodifying Bodies, London, Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications

Sørensen, T. 2009

‘The presence of the dead: cemeteries, cremation and the staging of non-place’, Journal of Social Archaeology, 9, 1, 111-135.

Sørensen, T. 2010

‘A saturated void: anticipating and preparing presence in contemporary Danish cemetery culture’, in M. Bille, F. Hastrup & T. Sørensen (eds) An Anthropology of Absence: Materializions of Transcendence and Loss, Springer, 115-30.

Troyer, J. 2020

Technologies of the Human Corpse, Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.

Troyer, J. 2007

‘Embalmed vision’, Mortality, 12;1, 22-47.

Walter, T. 2013

‘Eighteen ways to view a dead body’ in E. Venbrux, T. Quartier, C. Venhost and B. Mathijssen (eds) Changing European Deathways, Wien: Lit Verlag, 71-84.

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‘Buried bodies in an East London cemetery: revisiting taboo’, in A. Maddrell & J. Sidaway, J. (eds) Deathscapes: Spaces for Dying, Mourning and Remembrance, London: Routledge, 57-74.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract