Dead body: Contemporary

Berthod, M-A. 2018

‘La circulation des morts l’ancrage des corps et le deuil sans frontières’, Diversité Urbaine, 18, 87-104.

Blaney, I. 2021

‘The treatment of human remains under the Eccesiastical Law of England’, Ecclesiastical Law Journal, 23:1, 30-18.

Cohen, J. 2020

‘Frozen bodies and future imaginaries: assisted dying, cryonics, and a good death’, Religions, 11:11, 584.

Coughlin, M. 2013

‘Spectacle, maintenance and materiality: women and death in Modern Brittany’ in M.Goggin & B. Tobin (eds) Women and the Material Culture of Death, Farnham: Ashgate.

Dent, B., Forbes, S. & Stuart, B. 2004

‘Review of human decomposition processes in soil’, Environmental Geology, 45, 576–585.

Devlin, Z. & Graham, E. 2015

Death Embodied: Archaeological Approaches to the Treatment of the Corpse, Oxford: Oxbow.

Dreyfus, J-M. & Anstett, É. 2017

Human Remains and Mass Violence: Methodological Approaches, Manchester, Manchester University Press

Fahlander, F. & Oestigaard, T. 2008

‘The materialities of death: bodies, burials, beliefs’ in F. Fahlander & T. Oestigaard (eds) The Materialities of Death: Bodies, Burials, Beliefs, Oxford: BAR Inernational Series.

Farman, A. 2018

‘Cryonic suspension as eschatological technology in the secular age’, in A. Robben (ed.) A Companion to the Anthropology of Death, Oxford: John Wiley & Sons, 306-320.

Hallam, E. 2010

‘Articulating bones: an epilogue’, Journal of Material Culture, 15: 465-492.

Hockey, J. & Draper, J. 2005

‘Beyond the womb and the tomb: identity, (dis)embodiment and the life course’, Body and Society, 11:2, 41-57.

Jassal, L. 2014

‘Necromobilities: the multi-sited geographies of death and disposal in a mobile world’, Mobilities, 10:3, 486-509.

Joralemon, D. 2016

Mortal Landscapes: The Troubled Landscape of Death in America, London: Routledge

Klinenberg, E. 2021

‘Bodies that don’t matter: death and dereliction in Chicago’, Body and Society, 7:2–3,121–36.

Kolnberger, T. 2018

‘Zwischen Mensch und Ding’ in H. Hahn & N. Friedemann, N. (eds.) Dinge als Herausforderung: Kontexte, Umgangsweisen und Umwertungen von Objekten, Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 327-48.

Krupar, S. 2017

‘Green death: sustainability and the administration of the dead’, Cultural Geography, 25:2, 267-84.

Krympotich, C. Fontein, J. & Harries, J. 2010

‘The substance of bones: the emotive materiality and effective presence of human remains’, Journal of Material Culture, 15:4, 371-384.

Lamont, M. 2011

‘Decomposing pollution? Corpses, burials and affliction among the Meru of Central Kenya’ in M. Jindra and J. Noret (eds) Funerals in Africa: Explorations of a Social Phenomenon, Oxford: Berghann Books, 88-108.

Leichtentritt, R., Mahat Shamir, M., Barak, A. & Yerushalmi, A. 2016

‘Bodies as means for continuing post-death relationships’, Journal of Health Psychology, 2:5, 738-49.

Lynteris, C. & Evans, N. (eds) 2018

Histories of Post-Mortem Contagion: Infectious Corpses and Contested Burials, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract