Cultural geography

Bazaraitė, E., Heitor, T. & Oliveira, M. 2018

‘No project found: development of the nineteenth-century unplanned cemetery’, Proceedings of the 11thInternational Space Syntax Symposium, Lisbon.

Cartier, C. 1997

‘The dead, place/space, and social activism. Constructing the nationscape in historic Melata’, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 15, 555–586

Cloke, P. & Jones O. 2003

‘Grounding ethical mindfulness for/in nature: trees in their places’, Ethics, Place & Environment, 6:3, 195-213.

Cloke, P. & Jones, O. 2004

‘Turning in the graveyard: trees and the hybrid geographies of dwelling, monitoring and resistance in a Bristol cemetery’ Cultural Geographies, 11, pp313-341.

Jedan, C., Kmec, S., Kolnberger, T. & 2 others 2020

‘Co-creating ritual spaces and communities: an analysis of Municipal Cemetery Tongerseweg, Maastricht, 1812-2020’, Religions, 11:9, 435.

Maddrell, A. 2016

‘Mapping grief. A conceptual framework for understanding the spatial dimensions of bereavement, mourning and remembrance’, Social & Cultural Geography, 17:2, 166-188.

Maddrell, A. & Mathijssen, B. 2022

‘Situating the dead. The grave as material, symbolic and relational space’, in J.H. Kilde (ed.) Handbook for Religious Space, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 535-c32.P78.

Maddrell, A., McNally, D., Beebeejaun, Y. & 2 others 2021

‘Intersections of (infra)structural violence and cultural inclusion: the geopolitics of minority cemeteries and crematoria provision’, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 46:3, 675-688.

Matthey, L., Felli, R. & Mager, C. 2013

‘“We do have space in Lausanne. We have a large cemetery”: the non-controversy of a non-existent Muslim burial ground’, Social and Cultural Geography, 14, 4, 428-445.

McClymont, K. 2018

‘“They have different ways of doing things”: cemeteries, diversity and local place attachment’, Journal of Cultural Studies, 39: 267-85.

Polymenidis, Y. 2022

‘Boundaries in the city between the living and the dead’, in B. Yapicioglu & K. Lelenis (eds) Boundaries and Restricted Places: The Immured Space, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 212-224.

Schmitt, D., Blondeau, V., Kmec, S. & 2 others 2018

‘Le cimetière communal de Walferdange au Luxembourg: les défunts sous le regard des vivants : vivre l’hetérotopie du cimetière’ in F. Garcin-Marron, F. Mairess & A. Mouton-Rezzouk (eds) Des Lieux pour Penser : Musées, Bibliotèques, Théâtres. Matériaux pour une Discussion, Paris : ICOM – ICOFOM, 264-68.

Streb, C. & Kolnberger, T. 2019

‘Introduction: the materiality and spatiality of death, burial and commemoration’, Mortality, 24:2, 117-122.

Worpole, K. 1997

The Cemetery in the City, Stroud: Comedia.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract