Contested sites

Burns, M. 2015

‘A Confederate memorial “equal of Ghettysburg”: sectionalism and memory in the establishment of Manassas National Battlefield Park, 1890-1940’, Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, 123:2, 140-170.

Ćwiek-Rogalska, K. & Wróblewska-Trochimiuk, E. 2022

‘Necroreverence of Soviet cemeteries in Central Europe’, Journal of Historical Geography, 78, 69:83.

Ferrándiz, F. 2018

‘Death on the move: pantheons and reburials in Spanish Civil War exhumations’, in A. Robben (ed.) A Companion to the Anthropology of Death, John Wiley & Sons, 189-204.

Figal, G. 2007

‘Bones of contention: the geopolitics of “sacred ground” in postwar Okinawa’, Diplomatic History, 31:1, 81-109.

Gammage, B. 2007

‘The Anzac Cemetery’, Australian Historical Studies, 38: 129, 124-40.

Julien, E. & Vonau, E. 2011

‘Le cimetière de Friedrichsfelde, construction d’un espace socialiste (des années 1880 aux années 1970)’, Le Mouvement Social, 237, 91-113.

Koskinen-Koiviso, E. 2012

‘Transnational heritage work and commemorative rituals across the Finnish-Russian border in the old Salla region’, in H. Snellman, E. Koskinen-Koivisto & S. Samaro (eds) Transnational Death, Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 200-213.

LaRoche, C. & Blakey, M. 1997

‘Seizing intellectual power: the dialogue at the New York African Burial ground’, Historical Archaeology, 31, 3, 84-106

Leshem, N. 2015

‘“Over our dead bodies”: placing necropolitical activisim’ Political Geography, 45, 34-44.

Ljunge, M. & Persson, M. 2018

Möten med krigsgravar i konflikternas periferi. Materialitet och bruk av betydelse’, Primitive tider 20, 95-110.

Popa, G. 2013

‘War dead and the restoration of military cemeteries in Eastern Europe’, History and Anthropology, 24:1, 78-97.

Raivo, P. 2004

‘Karelia lost or won – materialisation of a landscape of contested and commemorated memory’, Fennia-International Journal of Geography, 182:1, 61-72

Saaler, S. & Rusneac, C. 2023

‘Overcoming trauma at Japan’s ‘National Cemetery’ and the legacies of the Asia-Pacific war’, in T. Burrett & J. Kingston (eds) Routledge Handbook of Trauma in East Asia, Abingdon: Routledge, 73-87.

Seitsonen, O. 2019

‘Transnationally forgotten and re-remembered: Second World War Soviet mass graves at Mäntyvaara, eastern Finnish Lapland’ in H. Snellman, E. Koskinen-Koivisto & S. Samaro (eds) Transnational Death, Helsinki: Finnish Literature Society, 178-199.

Stangl, P. 2007

‘Revolutionaries’ cemeteries in Berlin: memory, history, place and space,’ Urban History, 345, 3, 407-426.

Zhang, E. 2013

‘Grieving at Chongqing’s Red Guard graveyard: in the name of life itself’, China Journal, 70, 24-47.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract