Contemporary practices: Zimbabwe

Gwisai, R. & Masona, C. 2023

‘Cross-cultural values and traditions on cremation in Zimbabwe: a review of beliefs and practices’, African Journal on Land Policy and Geospatial Sciences, 6:3, 504-518.

Muposhi, A, Chokera, F. & Mudzimba, E. 2024

‘Green burial conundrum: constructing the intersection between stakeholder perceptions and sustainable land use in a multi-cultural society’, Mortality, 29:4, 801-816.

Spijker, G. 2005

‘The role of social anthropology in the debate on funeral rites in Africa’, Exchange, 34:3, 156-176.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract