Contemporary practices: Sweden

Bäckström, A. 2017

‘Religion and ritual markers between the public and the private: funerary rites in Sweden’, in Guest, M. & Middlemiss Lé Man (eds) Death, Life and Laughter: Essays on Religion in Honour of Douglas Davies, London: Routledge.

Bremborg, A. 2006

‘Professionalization without dead bodies: the case of Swedish funeral directors’, Mortality 11:3, 270-285.

Ekerwald, H. 2019

‘Me and my dead body: death, secularism and simulteaneity’, in T. Holmberg, A. Johnsson & F. Palm (eds) Death Matters: Cultural Sociology of Mortal Life, Cham: Palgrave, 151-174.

Jarnkvist, K. 2023

‘Critical-feminist studies of funerals: a way to grasp the rite’s complexity’, Approaching Religion, 13:1, 138-152.

Kardemark, W. & Nordin, M. 2024

‘Vad gör alla på begravningsplatserna under alla helgonahelgen? En allmän praktik i föreställd gemenskap’, in R. Marjavaara (ed.) Dödens Geografi, Stockholm: Svenska Sällskapet för Antropologi och Geografi,75-95.

Marjavaara, R. 2012

‘The final trip: post-mortal mobility in Sweden’, Mortality, 17:3, 256-275.

Marjavaara, R. 2017

‘Selecting a place of rest after a life on the move: determinants of post-mortal mobility in Sweden’, Applied Mobilities, 2: 2, 166-181.

Nolin, C. 2017

‘Framing children’s sections in cemeteries’, in M. Frihammar & H. Silverman (eds) Heritage of Death: Landscapes of Emotion, Memory and Practice, London: Routledge, 38-49.

Petersson, A. & Wingren, C. 2016

‘Designing a memorial place: continuing care, passage landscapes and future memories’, Mortality, 16:1, 54-69.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract