Contemporary practices: Italy

Bartolemei, L. 2013

Notes on the evolution of cemetery areas in Italy’ in E. Venbrux, T. Quartier, C. Venhost & B. Mathijssen (eds) Changing European Deathways, Wien: Lit Verlag, 107-118.

Breschi, M., Ruiu, G. & Francini, M. 2018

‘“Ashes to ashes…”: could the recent evolution of the cremation practice in Italy be interpreted as an indicator of secularisation?’, Review of Religious Research, 60:519-533.

Colombo, A. 2022

Morire all’italiana. Practiche, Riti, Credenze, Bologna: Il Mulino.

Colombo, A. & Vlach, E. 2021

‘Why do we go to the cemetery? Religion, civicness and the cult of the dead in twenty-first century Italy’, Review of Religious Research, 63:2, 217-243.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract