Contemporary practices: Iran

BayatRizi, Z. & Ghorbani, H. 2019

‘The bureaucratic professionalization of funeral rites in Tehran’s Behesht-e Zahra Cemetery’, in H. Selin & R. Rakoff (eds) Death across Cultures: Death and Dying in Non-Western Cultures, Cham: Springer, 103-118.

BayatRizi, Z. & Tehrani, R. 2017

‘The objective life of death in Tehran: a vanishing presence’, Mortality, 22:1, 15-32.

Ghorbani, H. (ed.) 2021

Social Studies of Death: Death in Iranian Culture and Society, Anthropology: Tehran [in Persian]

Salimi, M. & Ruhani, A. 2023

‘Nobody likes the forgotten guardians of the departed: a critical ethnographic study on social isolation of ghassals’, Omega – Journal of Death and Dying, DOI.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract