The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Conservation strategy
Bilbrey, D. 2005
Die situation der Berliner friedhöfe und die Entwicklung neuer Ideen zum Erhalt der historischen Substanz’, in C. Denk & J. Ziesemer (eds) Der Bürgerliche Tod: Städtische Bestattungskulture von der Aufklärung bis zum frühen 20. Jahrhundert, ICOMOS: Munich, 208-14 .
Cartier, C. 1993
‘Creating historic open space in Melaka’, Geographical Review, 83: 4, 359–73.
Clarke, R. 1993
‘Dead spaces or living havens?’, in J. Barberán (ed.) Una Arquitectura para la Muerta: 1 Encuentro Internacional sobre los Cementerios Contemporaneos , Seville: Consejeria de Obras Publicas y Transportes, 610-613.
Czerner, O. 1995
‘What is it all about, why?’, in O. Czerner and I. Juszkiewicz (eds) Cemetery Art, ICOMOS: Wrocław: ICOMOS, 41-50.
Matero, F. & Peters, J. 2003
‘Survey methodology for the preservation of historic burial grounds and cemeteries’, APT Bulletin, 34:2/3, 37-45.
O’Donnell, P. 2000
‘The history and preservation of urban parks and cemeteries’, in A. Alanen and R. Melnick (eds) Preserving Cultural Landscapes in America, Baltimore, MD: John Hopkins University Press, 70-93.
Ocón, D. 2021
‘Balancing sustainable development and cultural heritage preservation: luxury burial legacies in Singapore’, Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, 13:1, 87-107.
Ocón, D. and Young, W. 2024
‘Bridging the nature–cultural heritage gap: evaluating sustainable entanglements through cemeteries in urban Asia’, Sustainability Science, 19:5, 1641-1660.