Compromised sites: Genocidal destruction

Bielawski, K. 2020

Zagłada Cmentarzy Żydowskich, Więź historia: Warsaw.

Bielawski, K. 2024

The Destruction of Jewish Cemeteries in Poland, Brookline, MA: Academic Studies Press.

Krikler, N. 2023

‘Killing the dead: The logic of cemetery destruction during genocidal campaigns’, Nations and Nationalism, 29:4, 1338-1354.

Morewitz, S 2019

‘Cemetery damage and vandalism’, in S.J. Morwitz (eds) Clinical and Psychologial Perspectives on Foul Play, Cham: Springer, 249-265.

Saltiel, L 2020

‘The destruction of Thessaloniki’s Jewish cemetery’, in T. Kruse, H. Faustmann & S. Rogge (eds) When the Cemetery Becomes Political – Dealing with the Religious Heritage in Multi-Ethnic Regions, Münster: Schriften des Instituts für Interdisziplinäre Zypern-Studien, 159.

Saltiel, L. 2014

Dehumanizing the dead: the destruction of Thessaloniki’s Jewish cemetery in the light of new sources’, Yad Vashem Studies, 42:1, 1–35.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract