Compromised sites: Decommissioning

Seidemann, R. & Halling, C. 2019

‘Landscape structural violence: a view from New Orleans’s cemeteries’, American Antiquities, 84:4, 669-683.

Shaffer, C. 2003

‘The standing of the dead: solving the problem of abandoned graveyards’, Capital University Law Review, 32:2, 479-498.

Shelton, T. 2008

‘Unmaking historic spaces: urban progress and the San Francisco Cemetery Debate, 1895-1937’, California History, 85, 3, 26-70.

Swensen, G. 2018

‘Between romantic historic landscapes, rational management models and oblitarations – urban cemeteries as green memory sites’, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 33, 58-65.

Uslu, A. 2010

‘An ecological approach for the evaluation of an abandoned cemetery as a green area: the case of Ankara/Karakusunlar cemetery’, African Journal of Agricultural Research, 5:10, 1043-54.

Vine, M. 2024

‘Finding Zion: Spectral intimacy and state indeterminacy at an erased American cemetery’, History and Anthropology, 35:1, 31-47.

Wang, H. 2018

‘Exhuming the city: the politics and poetics of graveyard clearance’, in G. Moore & M. Smith (eds) Victorian Environments: Acclimatizing to Change in British Domestic and Colonial Culture, London: Palgrave, 115-134.

Weiss-Krejci, E. 2016

‘“Tomb to give away”’: the significance of graves and dead bodies in present-day Austria’, in H. Williams and M. Giles (eds) Archaeologists and the Dead, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 345-366.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract