Compromised sites: Decommissioning

Anthony, S. 2019

‘Materialized genealogy: from anonymous cemetery populations to creating alternative narratives about individuals and family burial space’, Genealogy, 2:3, 27.

Brown, T. 2013

‘The making of urban ‘healtheries’: the transformation of cemeteries and burial grounds in late-Victorian East London’, Journal of Historical Geography, 4:2, 12-23.

Cartier, C. 1997

‘The dead, place/space, and social activism. Constructing the nationscape in historic Melata’, Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 15, 555–586

D’Agostino, A. & Vannelli, G. 2020

‘Soils’ tales, recycling beyond death. The Parco Cimiteriale di Poggioreale towards possible extensions’, UPLanD – Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design, 4:2, 113-134.

David, B. 1996

‘Une conséquence traumatisante du développement en Chine: L’évacuation des sites funéraires villageois’, Perspectives Chinoises, 34, 30-37.

Demirakin, N. 2012

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Gölönü, B. 2020

‘From graveyards to the “people’s gardens”: the making of public leisure spaces in Istanbul’, in D. Özkan & G. Büyüksaraç (eds) Commoning the City: Empirical Perspectives on Urban Ecology, Economics and Ethics, London: Routledge, 104-122.

Graham, C. & Pang, N. 2019

‘The politics of threatened spaces of the dead: challenges for (re)disposal in a traditional Chinese cemetery in Singapore’, in T. Kohn, M. Gibbs, B. Nansen and L. van Ryn (eds) Residues of Death: Disposal Refigured, London: Routledge, 19-36.

Harvey, T. 2006

‘Sacred spaces, common places: the cemetery in the contemporary American city’, The Geographical Review, 96,:2, 295-312.

Hendeson, J. 2012

‘The loss of a cultural heritage and tourism resource: Singapore’s disappearing burial grounds’, South Asian Journal of Tourism and Heritage, 5:2, 1-14.

Jones, B. 2015

‘Memorial gardens as parks and cemeteries’, Real Estate Law Journal, 43:4, 408-452.

Kay, D. 1998

‘Cemetery relocation: emerging urban land development issue’, Journal of Urban Planning Development, 124, 1–10.

Klingemann, H. 2022

‘Cemeteries in transformation: a Swiss community conflict study’, Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 76, 127729.

Majewska, A. 2019

‘Continuity and decline. Temporal expression of denominational cemeteries in contemporary times’, Acta Universitatis Lodziensis Folia Archaeologica, 34:34, 71-96.

Malchow, H. 1985

‘Public gardens and social action in Late Victorian Britain’, Victorian Studies, 29:1, 97-124.

Massas, I., Kefalogianni, I. & Chatzipavlidis, I. 2018

‘Is the ground of an old cemetery suitable for the establishment of an urban park? A critical assessment based on soil and microbiological data’, Journal of Soils Sediments, 18, 94-108.

Myślińska, A., Szczepański, J., & Dłubakowski, W. 2021

‘The impact of decommissioning cemeteries on the urban ecosystem’, Sustainability, 13, 9303.

Mytum, H., Dunk, J. & Rugg, J. 1994

‘Closed urban churchyards in England and Wales: some survey results’, Post-Medieval Archaeology, 28, 111-14.

Olexa, M., Hodge, N., Owens, T. & Hampton, C. 2012

‘A grave situation: protecting the deceased and their final resting places from destruction’, Florida Bar Journal, 86:9, 35-42.

Seidemann, R. 2018

‘”Requiescat in pace”: the cemetery dedication and its implications for land use in Louisiana and beyond’, William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review, 42:3, 895-923.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract