The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract
Bäckström, A. 2017
‘Religion and ritual markers between the public and the private: funerary rites in Sweden’, in Guest, M. & Middlemiss Lé Man (eds) Death, Life and Laughter: Essays on Religion in Honour of Douglas Davies, London: Routledge.
Boylston, T. 2016
“And to dust thou shall return” Death and the semiotics of remembrance in an Ethiopian Orthodox Christian village’, Material Religion, 11:3, 281-302.
Bradbury, M. 2001
‘Forget me not: memorialization in cemeteries and crematoria’ in J. Hockey, J. Katz & N. Small (eds) Grief, Mourning and Death Ritual, Buckingham: Open University Press, 218-225.
Burgess, C. 2000
‘“Longing to be prayed for”: death and commemoration in an England parish in the later Middle Ages’, in B. Gordon and P. Marshall (eds) The Place of the Dead: Death and Remembrance in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,44-65.
Callewaert, D. 2000
‘Dying and commemorating in Bruges, 1900-2000′, Volkeskunde, 101, 3, 201-55.
Christensen, D. & Sandvick, K. 2014
‘Death ends a life, not a relationship: objects as media on children’s graves’, in D. Christensen & K. Sandvick (eds) Mediating and Remediating Death, London: Routledge, 251-271.
Danely, J. 2012
‘Repetition and the symbolic in contemporary Japanese ancestor memorial ritual’, Journal of Ritual Studies, 26:1, 19-32.
Fritz, N. 2020
Highgate Cemetery: A city of angels’, in M-T. Mäder, A. Saviello & B. Scolari (eds) Highgate Cemetery: Image Practices in Past and Present, ebooks, Nomos, 273-304
Gosnell, L. & Gott, S. 2005
‘San Fernando Cemetery: decorations of love and loss in a Mexican-American community’, in Meyer, R. (ed.) Cemeteries and Gravemarkers: Voices of American Culture, Utah State University Press: Logan, UT, 217-236.
Holloway, M., Bailey, L., Dikomitis, L. & 6 others 2019
Remember Me. The Changing Face of Memorialisation: Final Report, Hull: University of Hull.
Lowe, J., Rumbold, B., and Aoun, S. 2021
‘Memorialization practices are changing: an industry perspective on improving service outcomes for the bereaved’, OMEGA – Journal of Death and Dying, 84:1, 69-90.
Mytum, H. 2022
‘Reactions to tragedy: familial and community memorials to sudden occupational deaths in Britain and Ireland’, in T. Kallio-Seppä, S. Lipkin, T. Väre & 2 others (eds) Unusual Death and Memorialization: Burial, Space, and Memory in the Post-Medieval North, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 46-64.
Parker, G. & McVeigh, C. 2013
‘Do not cut the grass: expressions of British Gypsy-Traveller identity on cemetery memorials’, Mortality, 18: 2, 290-312.
Schulz, F. 2013
‘The disappearing gravestone: changes in the modern German sepulchral landscape’, in M. Aaron (ed) Envisaging Death: Visual Culture and Dying, Newcastle-on-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Partnership, 10-25.
Smith, D. 1987
‘“Safe in the arms of Jesus”: consolation on Deleware children’s gravestones, 1840-44’, Markers, 4, 85-106.
Sørensen, T. 2011
‘Sweet dreams: biographical blanks and the commemoration of children’, Mortality, 16:2, 161-175.
Tzortzopoulou-Gregory, L. 2010
Remembering and forgetting: the relationship between memory and the abandonment of graves in nineteenth and twentieth century Greek cemeteries’, International Journal of History and Archaeology, 14, 285-301.
Watkins, M. 2002
‘The cemetery and cultural memory: Montreal, 1860-1900’, Urban History Review/Revue d’Histoire Urbaine, 31:1, 52-62.
Woodthorpe, K. 2010
‘Private grief in public spaces: interpreting memorialisation in the contemporary cemetery’, in J. Hockey, C. Komaromy & K. Woodthorpe, K. (eds) The Matter of Death: Space, Place and Materiality, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 117-132.