Colonial rule

Amarasinghe, K. & Bandara, R. 2021

‘Death and grief in Ceylon in the nineteenth century: a case study on the British garrison cemetery in Kandy’, Historical Archaeology, 56:2, 341-359.

Arnold, D. 1993

Colonizing the Body: State Medicine and Epidemic Disease in Nineteenth-Century India, Oakland, CA: University of California Press.

Balakrishnan, S. 2022

‘Building the ancestral public: cemeteries and the necropolitics of property in colonial Ghana’, Journal of Social History, 56:1, 89-113.

Barker, A. 2018

‘Deathscapes of settler colonialism: the necro-settlement of Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada’, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 108:4, 1134-1149.

Buettner, E. 2006

‘Cemeteries, public memory and Raj nostalgia in postcolonial Britain and India’, History and Memory, 18:1, 1-42.

Chadha, A. 2006

‘Ambivalent heritage: between affect and ideology in a colonial cemetery’, Journal of Material Culture, 11: 3, 339-363.

Cohen-Hattab, K. 2022

‘Cemeteries as representing national identity: trends in Jewish burial in Jerusalem during British rule (1917-1948), Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, 1-21.

Dakudao, M. 1992

‘The development of cemeteries in Manila before 1941’, Philippine Quarterly of Culture and Society, 20:2–3, 133–50.

De Lemps, X. 2021

‘A matter of grave concern: burial sites and funeral rites in the nineteenth-century Phillpines’, Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints, 69:2, 161-188

De Viana, L. 2004

‘Public sanitation and cemeteries in 19th century Manila’, Unitas 77:1, 87–132.

Lee, H. 2014

‘Managing the living through the dead: colonial governmentality and the 1912 Burial Rules in Colonial Korea’, Journal of Historical Sociology, 27:3, 402-22

Minkin, S. 2019

Imperial Bodies: Empire and Death in Alexandria, Egypt, Redwood City: Stanford University Press.

Morley, I. 2023

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Muzaini, H. & Yeoh, B. 2007

‘Memory-making “from below”: rescaling remembrance at the Kranji War Memorial and Cemetery, Singapore’, Environment and Planning A, 39, 1288-1305.

Mytum, H. 2003

‘Death and remembrance in the Colonial context’, in S. Lawrence (ed.) Archaeology of the British: Explorations of Identity in Great Britain and its Colonies, London: Routledge, 156-73.

Onwuzuruigbo, I. 2014

‘Space of power and power of space: Islam and conflict over cemetery space in colonial Ibadan’, Journal of Urban History, 40:2, 301-317.

Ranger, T. 2004

‘Dignifying death: the politics of burial in Bulawayo’, Journal of Religion in Africa, 34, 110–44.

Takamura, R. 2014

‘Funerary sites in Seoul: a history marked by colonial experience’, in N. Aveline-Dubach (ed.) Invisible Population: The Place of the Dead in East Asian Megacities, Plymouth: Lexington Books, 165-191.

Wilkinson, T. 1984

‘British cemeteries in South Asia: an aspect of social history’, Asian Affairs, 15, 1, 46-54.

Yeoh, B. & Hui, T. 1995

‘The politics of space: changing discourses on Chinese burial grounds in post-war Singapore’, Journal of Historical Geography, 21, 2,184-201.


The Cemetery Research Group runs two events a year: in May and in November. Follow the links and send in an abstract